Brand NameRatingProductsMarket AreaScore
5-Bean RatingThese top-rated companies go above and beyond to ensure that the soy products they market are responsibly sourced from North American organic farms and produced without the use of harmful solvents. Soy products sold under these brands are the healthiest options created by companies that are dedicated to organic farming and transparency.
Rhapsody Natural Foodstempeh, miso, nattoNortheast980
Eden Foodssoymilk, soybeans, tofu, miso, soy sauce, ponzu sauceNationwide and International955
Hodotofu, soymilk, noodles, burgersNationwide920
FarmSoytofu, soy yogurt, tempehMiddle TN and greater Nashville area920
Unisoyatofu, meatless sausageWest920
Twin Oakstofu, tempeh, soymilk, mushroom pateMid-Atlantic910
Tofu Shoptofu, soymilkWest900
Miso MastermisoNationwide890
Suratatofu and tempehWest890
Fresh Tofutofu, tempeh, vegetarian sandwiches, tofu spreads, Tofu "No Egg" SaladEast885
TofurkyTofurky, tempeh, Tempeh SuperburgersNationwide and Canada850
House FoodstofuNationwide and International825
4-Bean RatingSoy products in this category are excellent choices produced by fully transparent brands that offer high integrity organic options but which may have GMO testing regimes, imported soybeans, and non-organic product lines that leave minor questions as to their commitment to organics.
Central Soyfoodstofu, tempehKansas and Missouri780
Wildwoodtofu, tofu veggie patties, soy yogurt, cultured soy drink, soymilk, soymilk creamerNationwide and Canada771
SoyBoytofu, tempeh, tofu ravioli, tofu hot dogs, okra burgersEast755
365soymilkNationwide and International740
3-Bean RatingBrands in this category are good choices. They are transparent with their purchasing practices, but they market both organic and non-organic products and often use non-organic added flavors.
O'Soysoy yogurtNationwide695
VitasoysoymilkCanada and International670
Soyganictofu, soymilkNorthwest, Northeast and Canada665
Harris Teetersoymilk, edamameMid-Atlantic and Southeast605
2-Bean RatingBrands in this category are not fully transparent, marketing both non-organic and organic soy products. These brands are likely sourcing from imported soybean suppliers and offer too few assurances that adequate GMO and contamination testing is being performed.
Trader Joe'ssoymilk, tofu, othersNationwide385
Wild HarvestsoymilkNationwide115
Laura LynnsoymilkSouth115
Full CirclesoymilkNationwide115
Giant EaglesoymilkMid-Atlantic115
Best ChoicesoymilkNationwide115
Weis MarketssoymilkMid-Atlantic115
Nature's PlacesoymilkNortheast115
1-Bean RatingBrands in this category provided little to know information on their practices.
Silksoy beverageNationwide0
Mori Nu TofutofuNationwide0
O OrganicssoymilkNationwide0
Wegmanssoymilk, tofu, soybean oil, soy sauceMid-Atlantic0
Good and GathersoymilkNationwide0

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