« Organic Factory Farm Investigation
Dublin, Texas (May 5, 2014)

The public relations official for Aurora first told NPR that she did not recognize this dairy: “…not ours.” When we responded to the reporter that county officials stated Aurora stills own the facility, and Cornucopia shared with NPR photos one of our staff members had taken on the ground (confirming that it was in fact the same dairy), Aurora then admitted that they had formerly owned it but are no longer operating it. When we started this investigation the facility was still listed by the USDA as being owned by Aurora and certified by QAI.
As of December 13, 2014, the Aurora facilities we investigated (in Dublin and Coldwater) are listed in the USDA’s National Organic Program database, and on the QAI website, as being certified organic and owned/operated by Aurora Dairy. We are investigating further.
It should be noted that the phone number posted online for Aurora Dairy in Dublin, Texas, and answered as such, is traced back to the address that was photographed in the flyover study.
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