Search Results for: GMO

Co-ops, Big Firms Vie For Organic Milk Supplies

Wall Street Journal By SARAH NASSAUER Last month, Peter Miller stood in a small agricultural extension office, pleading his case for more organic dairy farming to a few dozen farmers from New York’s Orange County. “We could use a lot more milk right now and we are looking for farmers in northeastern New York,” said… Read more »

Lawsuit Calls Genetically Engineered Alfalfa a Risk

Groups Challenge USDA Approval of First Perennial Gene Altered Crop CONTACT: Will Rostov, Center for Food Safety, Charles Margulis, Center for Food Safety, Kevin Dowling, Western Organization of Resource Councils, Jim Munsch, The Cornucopia Institute San Francisco, Calif. – Shortly after a government report cited problems with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) oversight of… Read more »

Alexandre Kids (Alexandre Family Farms)

They write: “We, the Alexandre kids, start with day old baby chicks that we hand raise in one of our family dairy barns for the first two months, and then all of the chickens are on organic pastures under the watchful eyes of dairy cows. We have three breeds: New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds,… Read more »

Choosing the Best Eggs

Cornucopia’s Take: Codirector Mark Kastel was interviewed for this brief video on choosing eggs in the marketplace. He has traveled the country visiting various sized organic egg laying operations.  Be sure to check out Cornucopia’s organic egg scorecard to find the best options in your local market. THE WELLBE GUIDE TO PICKING THE HEALTHIEST EGGS… Read more »

June/July Update: Materials added to the FOIA reading room

Source: Heather We have added new documents from the USDA to our FOIA reading room. Of particular note, the USDA sent 89 pages in response to our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records of deliberations surrounding the applications of Ashley Swaffer and Carmela Beck to the National Organic Standards Board. Swaffer and… Read more »

The Rare Organic Hop

Cornucopia’s Take: As organic farming grows, many farmers experiment with to soil how they perform in an organic managed environment. Here’s a success story with hops from a Washington state canyon that resulted in a rare fresh hop beer coveted by local Washingtonians. Fresh Hop Ale springs from organic farming experiment Yakima Herald by Kate… Read more »

Citizen-Lobbyists: Testify at Spring NOSB Meeting!

Can you help stand up for organic food and farming in San Antonio, Texas? The Cornucopia Institute needs citizen-lobbyists to testify at the National Organic Standards Board this April 29-30 in San Antonio. You need not be an expert—only dedicated to organic integrity. And your appearance will be brief. Each speaker gets one to four minutes. We will provide… Read more »

John’s Island Organic Farm Keeps to its Roots (South Carolina)

Live 5 News By Aisha Tyler JOHNS ISLAND, SC (WCSC) – Instead of playing with friends or video games, 8-year-old CJ has spent most of his summer working on the family farm. “I have been working on the farm for three years,” CJ said. For three generations, Joseph Fields Farm on Johns Island has been… Read more »

Meat Glue Turns Scraps into Prime Cuts of Meat

International Business Times by Kelsey Murray When I go to the grocery store and buy steak, I assume that what I’m buying is a prime cut piece of meat. However, a new report shows that consumers are being misled about the quality of their meats and even lied to about what it is that they… Read more »