Search Results for: GMO

Cornucopia’s consumer tool points eaters to the most ethical organic egg brands

An overhead shot of hens gathering around the photographer's boots

VIROQUA, Wis., May 31, 2023/PRNewswire/ — Don’t be fooled by the clever packaging: Most of the eggs in your grocery store are produced on factory farms. The Cornucopia Institute’s most popular tool — the recently updated Organic Egg Scorecard — is the resource you need to successfully sidestep this industrial model. The result of two… Read more »

Tell USDA You Care About Organic Integrity!

We need improvements at the National Organic Program.

Comment before Midnight ET on March 30, 2022 Industrial “organic” operators are able to keep prices low by cutting corners on animal welfare, biodiversity, care for natural resources, and soil health. Their cheap products undercut authentic organic food in the marketplace. A process exists to counter this threat. The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), a… Read more »

Economic Justice for Family-Scale Farms

Cornucopia Director of Domestic Policy Kestrel Burcham, JD While industrial organic operations forsake the synthetic fertilizers and toxic chemicals of conventional agriculture, authentic organic farms provide numerous ecosystem services for the benefit of all. As the landscape of organic evolves, Cornucopia continues to monitor the industry and its regulation. The best organic farmers offer more… Read more »

U.K. Bans Junk Food Ads Targeting Kids

Cornucopia’s Take: Concerned with companies that focus advertising aimed at selling children unhealthy foods, the United Kingdom has banned ads for high-fat, -sugar, and -salt foods in print, online, and at movies targeted to children. While U.K health advocates push for even stricter regulation, the U.S. continues to turn a blind eye to this important… Read more »

Tracking the Causes of Monarch Butterfly Decline

A new census found this winter’s population of North American monarch butterflies in Mexico was at the lowest level ever measured. Insect ecologist Orley Taylor talks to Yale Environment 360 about how the planting of genetically modified crops and the resulting use of herbicides has contributed to the monarchs’ decline. The Guardian Richard Conniff for… Read more »

Details Emerging On Co-op Farm Purchase

The Daily Press – Ashland, WI By CHAD DALLY Supporting the local agricultural network has always been a priority for the Chequamegon Food Cooperative. But its board of directors recently announced that the co-op is looking to take a bold step and become directly involved in farming through the purchase of a Bayfield County farm…. Read more »

Common Herbicides Appear to Cause Antibiotic Resistance

Cornucopia’s Take: A recent study found that glyphosate, dicamba, and 2,4-D cause antibiotic resistance. Researchers found that “bacteria respond to exposure to the herbicides by changing how susceptible they are to antibiotics used in human and animal medicine.”  The bacteria in the tests that displayed resistance to antibiotics were Salmonella and E. coli – both… Read more »

Industry Fighting Expanded Antibiotics Reporting

Agri-Pulse by Philip Brasher Source: Andres Rueda WASHINGTON, Aug. 19, 2015 – The Food and Drug Administration’s plan to require reporting on animal antibiotic sales species by species is running into strong industry opposition. Drugmakers now only report total sales for individual drugs. Breaking the sales data down by cattle, hogs, chickens and turkeys would… Read more »

Minnesota Offers Tax Credit to Farmers Selling Land to Beginning Farmers

Cornucopia’s Take: The cost of agricultural land continues to climb, along with the cost of farm machinery.  And new farmers are struggling to afford their chosen trade, working second jobs and going into debt. A new tax credit and programs offered in Minnesota show how a state can connect would-be farmers to retiring farmers. New… Read more »

A Way Out of the Two Crop Cycle

Cornucopia’s Take: The 2018 Farm Bill presents an opportunity for improving sustainability for farmers – both environmentally and financially. Read the story below to hear what a fourth-generation Iowa farmer has to say. Editorial: To clean up our water, go ‘nuts’ like this Iowa farmer The Des Moines Register Source: Rich Herrmann Shifting from two-crop… Read more »