Search Results for: GMO

New Research On Organic Produce’s Health Benefits

Rodale’s Organic Life by Eesther Crain Share this with friends and family that are still on the fence. Source: Natalie Maynor Ever since the USDA Organic label began showing up on some food labels in the early 2000s, a debate has raged over whether crops grown without chemical additives and fertilizers rack up more nutrition than… Read more »

USDA Ignores Risks for Farmers; Approves Dow’s Controversial Genetically Engineered Corn and Soybean Seeds

Pesticide Action Network by Paul Towers Image courtesy of Lars Plougmann Today the US Department of Agriculture granted Dow AgroSciences approval of its controversial new herbicide-resistant, genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds known as Enlist. The seeds have been engineered to withstand applications of the toxic herbicide, 2,4-D. Using Dow AgroScience’s projections in its final report, USDA… Read more »

Getting a Start on Growing New Farmers

DailyRecord (N.J.) By Michele S. Byers Innovation in farming is nothing new in this state we’re in. But a new program to help aspiring farmers succeed and gain access to farmlands is another New Jersey innovation. The “incubator farm” program created by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey (NOFA-NJ) gives beginning farmers —… Read more »

Bee Deaths a Result of Pesticide Safari; Count Upped to 50,000 Dead Insects

The Oregonian By Elizabeth Case As the estimate of dead bees rose to 50,000, the Oregon Department of Agriculture confirmed the insecticide Safari caused the deaths in a Wilsonville earlier this week. A landscaping company sprayed 55 linden trees in a Target parking lot to control for aphids, said Dan Hilburn, the plants division director… Read more »

Organic Producers Encouraged to Follow Their Conservation Dreams

Imperial Valley News By Anita Brown, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Sacramento, California – Many organic farmers have dreams of a conservation project they would love to tackle: a multi-purpose hedgerow; an efficient, water-saving irrigation system; a comprehensive plan to build organic matter; a hoop house to extend the local growing season. But the day-to-day… Read more »

Challenge of Monsanto’s Patent Rights Heading to Appeal in January

The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C. will hear the family farmers’ Appeal of Dismissal in Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association et al v. Monsanto at 10am on Thursday, January 10, 2013. The landmark organic community lawsuit was originally filed in Federal District Court in March 2011. [The Cornucopia Institute is… Read more »

UGA Study Finds Salmonella Less Prevalent in Organic Chicken

Athens Banner-Herald By JOE VANHOOSE Organic chicken isn’t just healthier for you – it’s also safer, according to a new University of Georgia study. Salmonella shows up less on organic farms than it does on conventional farms, Walid Alali said. Alali, an assistant professor at UGA’s College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, visited seven farms… Read more »

Organic Egg Report/Scorecard FAQ

Where can I find brand x eggs listed on your scorecard? We are working on collecting information from participants regarding specific stores and regions where they sell their eggs.  Click on the name of the farm/brand on the scorecard and more information will appear. Did you ask the participants of your egg survey about pullet… Read more »

(ALERT OVER) Act by Nov. 17 on Senate Food Safety Legislation

Call your Senators MONDAY or TUESDAY— Urge their support for the Tester Amendment The Cornucopia Institute It now appears that the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510) will be voted on in the Senate during the “lame-duck” session as early as Wednesday, Nov. 17. This bill, as we have noted before, would impose extremely burdensome… Read more »

FDA to Beef Up Standards for “Health” Food Labeling

Scientific American (link not available) By Katherine Harmon Currently abundant on most grocery store shelves, seals of approval for purportedly healthful food selections may become scarcer in the coming year. Some labels claiming foods are “smart choices” or “heart healthy” are patently misleading, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has threatened to… Read more »