Search Results for: GMO

Food Irradiation Rules May Be Relaxed

WASHINGTON (AP) — The government proposed Tuesday relaxing its rules on labeling of irradiated foods and suggested it may allow some products zapped with radiation to be called “pasteurized.” The Food and Drug Administration said the proposed rule would require companies to label irradiated food only when the radiation treatment causes a material change to… Read more »

Organic Community Sends Clear Signal to “Renegade” Factory Farms

WASHINGTON, DC: Organic dairy farmers from throughout the country descended on the nation’s capital last week in a show of solidarity requesting a USDA crackdown on large industrial dairy farms producing “organic” milk. The farmers present, along with over 8000 submitted comments from consumers and other organic producers, prompted the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board… Read more »

Skyrocketing Prices Point To Looming Global Food Crisis

NPR Michel Martin and Marilyn Geewax Listen to the Story Global food prices hit a record high in January, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). They are expected to continue to rise in the months ahead. Surging prices in 2007 and 2008 lead to protests in scores of countries, and Algerians… Read more »

National Organic Standards Board Spring Meeting Recap

chicken in pasture

Did you miss the recent National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting in Atlanta, Georgia? Cornucopia has you covered! The NOSB is a federal advisory committee that makes recommendations to the National Organic Program (NOP) on organic materials and standards. The group of volunteers from different areas of the organic community meets twice annually to take… Read more »

Friendly Soil Fungus

Cornucopia’s Take: Mycorrhizal fungi are commonly found in the soil, and they interact with plants to help nutrition, improve the soil, and trap carbon. Our friends at Rodale’s Organic Life offer more information on this symbiotic relationship and to help your garden thrive this season. Fungi Are The Secret To Perfect Organic Garden Soil Rodale’s… Read more »

EPA Approves Enlist Duo®, Opens Gate to New Wave of GE Woes

Beyond Pesticides Despite a massive outpouring of public opposition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced yesterday that it has registered Enlist Duo®, officially putting the rubber stamp of approval on the sale and use of a new wave of genetically-engineered (GE) 2,4-D tolerant crops. Developed by Dow AgroSciences, Enlist Duo® is an herbicide that… Read more »

Halloween Trick — USDA lets “Organic” Factory Farms off the Hook

Agency Fails to Take Enforcement Action against Industry Giants Cornucopia, WI – The Cornucopia Institute sharply criticized the conclusion by USDA that an 8000-head factory dairy in Idaho was operating within the federal organic standards. Cornucopia had requested an investigation based on its site visit to the giant industrial-scale dairy, owned by Dean Foods, and… Read more »

What the Grocery Industry Isn’t Telling You

An aisle at a grocery store with colorful products on the shelves

A Conversation with Dr. Phil Howard [This article was previously published in the summer issue of the Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter. Donate today to protect organic integrity and receive our fall issue in print.] Just a handful of companies control your food. Yes, even your organic food. Cornucopia’s director of advocacy and development, Rachel Zegerius,… Read more »

Danish Government Financially Supports Organic Food Production

Cornucopia’s Take: Ten percent of the food in Denmark is organic, and organic farmers cannot meet the demands of the domestic market and export needs. In response, the Danish government has created a large financial stimulus package to help farmers convert more land to organic production. In contrast, the U.S. government has largely been indifferent… Read more »

Cornucopia Asked DOJ to Carefully Consider Organic Merger – And They Did

Cornucopia’s Take: U.S. organic dairy farmers achieved a rare win last week, keeping competition open in the industry, at least for now. The Danone/WhiteWave merger will go through without Stonyfield as part of the deal. Organic industry watchdog wins antitrust victory Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by Rick Barrett A Wisconsin-based group that represents organic farmers says… Read more »