Search Results for: GMO

The Gold Standard in Grass-Fed Dairy

Cornucopia’s Take: Organic dairy farmers work hard to earn enough to keep their doors open and provide high quality dairy products. This article highlights one of the brands doing exactly that. Visit Cornucopia’s organic dairy scorecard to see which brands are providing high-integrity dairy. Building a Brand that Stands Apart The Huffington Post by Elliot… Read more »

Not Enough Farm Laborers, Even With Higher Wages and Benefits

Cornucopia’s Take: Tougher immigration laws are said to open more jobs for U.S. citizens. In agriculture, so far, this doesn’t seem to be the case as the increasing lack of farm labor is causing farmers to increase mechanization or even close their doors. Wages rise on California farms. Americans still don’t want the job Los Angeles… Read more »

Bee Here, Now: Organic Apiary in a Chemical World

Grist Makenna Goodman Beekeeping is rising in popularity — from urban rooftops to backyard hives, the world is abuzz with interest in homemade honey. And who better to comment on the nature of bees than the former president of the Vermont Beekeepers Association, Ross Conrad. He’s led bee-related presentations and taught organic beekeeping workshops and… Read more »

When it Pays to Buy Organic

Consumer Reports February 2006 Which apple? The decision doesn’t end once you’ve figured out whether to buy, say, the McIntosh or the Red Delicious. In many food stores across the country, you’re also faced with the more vexing question of buying organic or conventional, and not just at the apple bin. All kinds of organic… Read more »

The Adventure of Organic Farming

Eliot Coleman has more than 40 years of experience in all aspects of organic farming, including field vegetables, greenhouse vegetables, rotational grazing of cattle and sheep, and range poultry. He is the author of The New Organic Grower, Four Season Harvest, and the Winter Harvest Handbook. He produces year-round vegetable crops, even under harsh winter… Read more »

Autopsy or Message of Hope?

Delta barns

Withdrawn animal welfare rule still under USDA analysis     An unusual action by the USDA has left us scratching our heads. In April of this year, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) requested public comments on the economic analysis of the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP) Rule—despite the fact that the USDA withdrew the… Read more »

Restaurants Frequently Misrepresent What’s Organic

USDA Will Enforce–But Consumers are the Frontline Investigators Many consumers who choose organic food for home cooked meals want the same benefits of organic certification when they eat out. Unfortunately, many are being misled or defrauded. Restaurants recognize that local and organic foods are no longer narrow niche markets and that promoting organic food can… Read more »

Organic Pork Remains Largely Out of Consumer Reach

Cornucopia’s Take: Conventional pork producers pen their hogs in overcrowded barns, spray them with pesticides, provide the cheapest feed available, and store their considerable manure in giant anaerobic lagoons where it is open to the environment and frequently pollutes local watersheds. These cut corners make conventional pork a very “cheap” meat. In contrast, organic hogs… Read more »

Bees Have Minds of Their Own

Cornucopia’s Take: Bees have long been studied by humans, but we have been unaware that they are likely studying us as well. From this interesting research, scientists have discovered that bees can learn how to use unfamiliar tools to benefit their needs. Even bumblebees can learn to use tools, scientists show LA Times by Amina Khan… Read more »