Search Results for: GMO

Proxy Letter from Certified Organic Farmers to Certifiers

Mail a Letter

If you are a certified organic farmer or business owner, please consider printing and filling out the proxy letter below. If you return it to Cornucopia, we will send it on to your certifier along with proxies from other farmers who share your certifer. Here is the letter text: Dear (Name of certifier) CEO, As… Read more »

Judge to Allow Evidence of Monsanto’s Alleged Ghostwriting at Trial

Cornucopia’s Take: Edwin Hardeman, one of over 9,300 plaintiffs charging that Monsanto’s Roundup caused their cancer, has received tentatively good news. The presiding federal judge has allowed evidence pointing to Monsanto’s alleged ghostwriting of scientific research and attempts to influence regulators and scientists regarding Roundup’s safety. The order applies to two more upcoming cases before… Read more »

Organic or “Organic?”

Cornucopia’s Take: Organic producers meet regularly in communities, conferences, and online to share stories and seek solutions to the growing crisis in the organic marketplace. As outlined in the article below, there are now two organics: life-affirming agricultural practices adhering to the spirit and letter of organic regulations and industrial-scale production methods, based on conventional… Read more »

Is 53 Square Miles of Organic Wheat Really Organic?

Cornucopia’s Take: While Cornucopia is as happy as anyone that this large tract of land will be spared the spraying harmful pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, we do have to wonder how mono-cropping on this scale is truly organic. Biodiversity in the field prevents the spread of disease and the proliferation of pests. Monocropping creates an environment… Read more »

Top 10 USDA Organic Crimes

Dear good food advocates, I’ve always said that the organic seal is the best guide to good food when you can’t talk to the farmer directly. I still say that, and I mean it. If you follow the work we do at Cornucopia, you know we’re vocal watchdogs of organic policy because we want to… Read more »

Take Action: Sign the Petition — It’s Time to Remove Carrageenan (Intestinal Inflammatory Agent/Carcinogen) from Organics!

[This alert is over – and we won! The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) voted in November 2016 to remove carrageenan from the National List for use in organics. It will be some time before all organic products are carrageenan free. Until then consult Cornucopia’s buying guide.] The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) will be voting… Read more »

Upper Midwest Farmers Transitioning to Organic Can Get Aid

AP by Blake Nicholson Source: BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — North Dakota and Minnesota are helping farmers with the three-year transition from traditional crops to organic production, an effort that the industry’s main trade group says could boost the acreage of organically grown crops in the U.S. if it takes root beyond the upper Midwest…. Read more »

This Changes Everything: Our Imperative to Respond Intelligently

The Call of the Land Steven McFadden “Any attempt to rise to the climate challenge will be fruitless unless it is understood as part of a much broader battle of worldviews. Our economic system and our planetary system are now at war.” ~  Naomi Klein Author Naomi Klein has stepped forward once again with a book… Read more »