Search Results for: GMO

Organic Activists Charge USDA Regulators Capitulating to Corporate Interests

“Undermining Congressional Protections” Results in Threats of Lawsuits and Protests SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS:  When the organic industry gathers in this central Texas city next week sparks are predicted to fly when farmers and consumer activists face off with government regulators who they have accused of a “power grab,” significantly eroding a unique public and private… Read more »

Thoughts on the Raw Milk Debate at Harvard Law School: Getting Some Ideas into the Open; Is It Fair to Declare “Outbreak” At Claravale?

The Complete Patient It’s a tad awkward writing an assessment of a debate in which I was a participant…so here are a few random reactions to the raw milk debate at Harvard Law School Thursday evening. (If you missed it, you can view the recording on YouTube; it should be up shortly.) The two opponents–Heidi… Read more »

Farmer And Philosopher Joel Salatin

Boston’s NPR – On Point With Jane Clayson in for Tom Ashbrook Aired 11:00am EST Monday, October 10, 2011 Farmer/philosopher Joel Salatin says get off your laptop, get in the dirt and live with it. Joel Salatin is heralded as the high priest of the pasture. And for good reason. The Virginia farmer speaks the… Read more »

Family-Farm Advocates Call for U.S. to ‘Bust Up Big Ag’

GOP senators warn of dangers of government intervention in agriculture The Iowa Independent By Lynda Waddington ANKENY, Iowa — Whether they realized it or not, the roughly 250 family farmers, workers and consumers gathered Thursday night fired off their own point-by-point response to a letter from two Republican Senators that urged the U.S. departments of… Read more »

Beef Controversy Could Delay New Organic Livestock Rulemaking

Strong Consensus on Dairy Provisions, Cracking down on Factory Farms, Could Be Jeopardized CORNUCOPIA, WI: Some organic policy experts are asking the USDA to separate new regulations addressing the management of organic beef cattle and organic dairy cows when their final rule comes out updating the organic livestock standards. After many years of wrangling in… Read more »

National Organic Program Is Undermining Materials Review Authority Granted to the NOSB to Help Define Organic and Guarantee Its Integrity

The Organic Broadcaster: By Roger Blobaum The authority Congress gave the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) to help define organic and guarantee organic integrity is being seriously eroded by National Organic Program (NOP) actions involving approval of materials for the National List of substances allowed in organic production. Worse yet the NOSB, which was mandated… Read more »

Will Additional Labels on Organic Food Clarify or Confuse?

Cornucopia’s Take: Cornucopia remains committed to protecting the integrity of organic food and farming.  We are neutral on add-on labels for organic products and will judge them on their merits in terms of standards and enforceability (the one outlined in the story, the real organic label, is being developed by some of the true heroes in… Read more »

Scrambled Eggs: Report Contrasts Widespread Industry Fraud and USDA Complacency with True Heroes in Organics

Family Farmers Face Unfair Competition from “Organic” Factory Farms Just as Americans are reacting to new medical literature encouraging the consumption of “healthy” fats, including eggs, an independent report has been released that focuses on widespread abuses in organic egg production and marketing, primarily by large industrial agribusinesses. The study, conducted by The Cornucopia Institute,… Read more »

The Rise of Big Meat-Bred Super Bugs

Despite the public health risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the lobbyist-swayed FDA keeps easing regulations Salon By Martha Rosenberg, Alternet So far, 2012 is bringing bad news for people who don’t want “free antibiotics” in their food. ntibiotics are routinely given to livestock on factory farms to make them gain weight with less feed and keep… Read more »