Search Results for: GMO

Mass Natural

The Way We Live Now The New York Times By MICHAEL POLLAN “Elitist” is just about the nastiest name you can call someone, or something, in America these days, a finely-honed term of derision in the culture wars, and “elitist” has stuck to organic food in this country like balsamic vinegar to mache. Thirty years… Read more »

How to Store & Preserve Your Organic Produce

Farmer's market stand with tables of fruit and vegetables

Here’s a simple way to honor your local organic farmer: minimize food waste. Making good use of their bounty requires quick action. “Organic vegetables aren’t sprayed with chemicals that kill everything in sight,” says Zaid Kurdieh, owner of Norwich Meadows Farm in New York. “They’re more prone to decay, which is a natural thing.” Zaid… Read more »

Avoid That Glass of Pesticides, Antibiotics, and Synthetic Hormones

If you consume dairy, a new study from Emory University suggests you are safest drinking organic milk. In their study of 35 conventional and 34 organic milk samples, 59% of the conventional products contained chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos is a ubiquitous insecticide linked to lower levels of gray matter and IQ in children exposed prenatally. This toxin… Read more »

Organic Farming Better Suited To Climate Change, Study Finds by Ashley Ahearn Source: CUESA For decades, a growing number of consumers have turned to organic produce as a healthier alternative to vegetables and fruits grown with chemical pesticides and fertilizers. It turns out that organic crops are better suited for farmlands subjected to drought conditions, according to a study published today in the… Read more »

TPP Signing Represents Corporate Wish List; Farmers, Consumers and the Environment Lose

Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy by Karen Hansen-Kuhn and Ben Lilliston Source: US Embassy Opposition grows as trade deal faces uphill battle in Congress The controversial Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) was signed today in New Zealand, as opposition to the corporate-friendly deal continues to grow in the U.S. and other participating countries. The agreement now has… Read more »

Exposing Abuse on the Factory Farm

The New York Times by The Editorial Board Source: Orin Zebest While most Americans enjoy eating meat, it is hard to stomach the often sadistic treatment of factory-farmed cows, pigs and chickens. Farm operators know this, and they go to great lengths to hide these gruesome images from the public. A popular tactic pushed lately… Read more »

OTA Asks for Organic Checkoff

[Jim Gerritsen is a member of Cornucopia’s Policy Advisory Panel.] Brownfield Ag News by Bob Meyer Source: No Organic Checkoff, Facebook The Organic Trade Association has petitioned USDA to create a national organic checkoff.  OTA CEO Laura Batcha says the petition is the culmination of a three-year process.  Batcha says the funds are needed to educate consumers… Read more »

Pesticide Residue on Food Could Affect Sperm Quality, Says Harvard Study

The Guardian Haroon Siddique Source: Walter Baxter via Wikimedia Commons Analysis of semen from men at fertility clinic matched with questionnaire on consumption of fruit and vegetables Eating fruit and vegetables containing pesticide residues could adversely affect men’s fertility, leading to fewer and poorer quality sperm, a study suggests. Research by Harvard University found that… Read more »