Search Results for: GMO

Wal-Mart Charged with Selling Nonorganic Food as Organic

Group Asks USDA to Fully Investigate Organic Product Misrepresentation For more information, contact: Mark Kastel, 608-625-2000 Cornucopia, WI: The Cornucopia Institute, the nation’s most aggressive organic farming watchdog, has filed a formal legal complaint with the USDA asking them to investigate allegations of illegal “organic” food distribution by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Cornucopia has documented cases… Read more »

CAFOs Raise Cattle, Poultry, Hogs, and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Cornucopia’s Take: While antibiotic resistant bacteria kill an increasing number of humans, the FDA continues to allow antibiotics to be needlessly used in industrial livestock agriculture.  Their uses range from growth promotion to prophylactic applications. Cornucopia recommends only certified organic meat for omnivores. Antibiotics are allowed in organic agriculture only when an animal is ill,… Read more »

New York Times Ramps up Pressure on NOSB as Meeting Opens

On the eve of the National Organic Standards Board Meeting, The New York Times published a story focusing on the debate between traditional organic farmers, growing in soil, and high-tech “organic” corporate interests hydroponically producing fruits and vegetables in water/liquid fertilizer. The Times story should ramp up the pressure on the USDA’s National Organic Standards… Read more »

Women Take Over the Family Farm

The Atlantic by Alana Semuels Source: Eddy Pula As men in agriculture grow older and die without male successors, their wives and daughters are learning to run the business. WOODSTOCK, Ill.—The face of the American farmer today may look a little bit like Diane Henry Freutel’s. She is wearing pearl earrings, a blue hard hat,… Read more »

Eggs Not Always What They’re Cracked Up to Be

MPR News by Anders Kelto Source: Nick Wheeler You’re in the supermarket gathering ingredients for eggnog and a Christmas Bundt cake, and you’re staring at a wall of egg cartons. They’re plastered with terms that all sound pretty wonderful: All-Natural, Cage-Free, Free-Range, Farm Fresh, Organic, No Hormones, Omega-3. And so on. And yet the longer… Read more »

Maine Local Food Movement Inspires Credit Union Focused on Small Farms

Bangor Daily News by Darren Fishell Source: Jeremy van Bedijk WHITEFIELD, Maine — The 100-acre organic farm that Rufus Percy and his wife started working a decade ago is mix of leased land, family land and mortgaged land. Finding used farm equipment took them as far as Ohio. The barn where they raise about 100… Read more »

New Report Criticizes Yogurt Industry

Major Brands Accused of Turning Health Food into Junk Food A new report, Culture Wars: How the Food Giants Turned Yogurt, a Health Food, into Junk Food,issued by The Cornucopia Institute, accuses Dannon, Yoplait, Chobani and other major marketers of misleading parents, who are looking for healthier foods for their families, into purchasing yogurts loaded… Read more »

In 2012 Food Rights Became Legal Issue — Can a Movement Emerge in 2013?

The Complete Patient By David Gumpert A year ago I summarized the key themes for 2011 as “rising shock events” and “rising stress levels,” thanks to highly public raids on food clubs and farms. I’d say 2012 was the year these shock events played out in a number of ways, primarily legal. The hero in… Read more »

Gut Health Improved by Local, Organic Eating

Cornucopia’s Take: The importance of the human microbiome is poorly understood. Studies underway indicate ties to immune system and mental health and further indicate that the individual microbiota in the gut are encouraged or starved by the food we ingest.  Consumers can help promote the health of the microbiome with a diverse and organic diet…. Read more »

USDA Testing for Glyphosate in Limbo

Cornucopia’s Take: While the USDA claims glyphosate is harmless, and therefore hardly worth the expense of testing for, they did start limited testing for the herbicide last year. According to this article, a FOIA request gathered information about alarmingly high levels of glyphosate in honey and in oatmeal. Testing was to commence in earnest this… Read more »