Search Results for: GMO

Report from the October 2022 NOSB Meeting

rows of crops covered in plastic with sun in background

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) held its fall 2022 meeting in Sacramento, California. For over a decade The Cornucopia Institute has covered these proceedings, and we continue to make this vital information about organic food production available to you. Here’s our analysis of the meeting’s highlights: Request for Technical Support The NOSB has issued… Read more »

Radiance Dairy

Dairy farmer walking with cows in pasture

Radiance Dairy Redefines Milk Francis Thicke is used to fielding questions about his products. “Why does your milk have a yellow tinge?” Because the cows are on pasture. “Why do I need to shake your whole milk?” Because it’s creamline milk, which hasn’t been homogenized, meaning the fat molecules are still intact. But the most… Read more »

The Nutritional Value of 100% Grass-Fed Organic Milk


Dairy products labeled 100% grass fed are gaining popularity in the marketplace for good reason: As with all living things, cattle “are what they eat”! Cattle, along with sheep and goats, are ruminants, meaning they evolved to eat and subsist on green forage. In stark comparison to cows in conventional dairies that are fed grain,… Read more »

What’s the Beef with Labels?

Cow on pasture

Buying the Best Burger Requires Scrutiny [This article was previously published in the spring issue of the Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Kestrel Burcham, JD, Director of Domestic Policy at The Cornucopia Institute If a trip to the store to buy beef leaves you bewildered, you are not alone. Understanding the nuanced differences among the various… Read more »

Your Vote Will Encourage Charity Navigator to Evaluate and Rate Our Success

For a decade and a half, Cornucopia has been at the forefront of the fight to uphold the integrity of local and organic food and agriculture. As a tax-exempt public charity, we rely on the passionate moral and financial support of organic advocates from across the country. Cornucopia is proud to report that we have… Read more »

“Fauxganic” Takeover in Full Swing

Finding and Protecting Real Organic Food Going Forward [This article was previously published in the spring issue of The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Linley Dixon, PhD, current Associate Director of the Real Organic Project The Country Hen is one example of a certified organic industrial-style egg producer. Their porches, shown here, are approved as “outdoor… Read more »

Small Organic Dairy Farmer Speaks Out

Cornucopia’s Take: As “organic” factory dairies flood the market with their questionable version of “organic” milk, real organic milk prices are tanking too. Wisconsin organic dairy farmer, Jim Goodman, shares his thoughts below. Cornucopia offers a dairy scorecard to help shoppers choose truly organic dairy from truly organic farmers. Retailers Want to Own Farmers –… Read more »

Farmworker Deportations Could Cost NY State $8.5 Billion

Cornucopia’s Take: With more than half of all U.S. farmworkers being undocumented immigrants, a new report suggests over 1,000 farms in New York could close or significantly reduce operations if deportations continue. Farmers across the country are concerned about their shrinking workforce and consumers should be similarly concerned about what this means for their food… Read more »

France Moves Ahead with Neonics Ban

Cornucopia’s Take: France’s Agriculture Minister had been pressing for the easement of a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides taking effect in 2018, but the Environment Minister refused to be convinced. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe then interceded to allow the ban to stand. President Macron has indicated he will likewise uphold the ban. Corporate interests in the… Read more »

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Data Released and Re-Analyzed

Cornucopia’s Take: Because the European Parliament requested Monsanto’s data on glyphosate be made public, independent scientists are now able to analyze it. After seeing the raw data, questions have been raised about the data evaluation previously done by government agencies. Inconvenient data buried as ‘confidential business information.’ Environmental Health News by Pete Myers Source: NRCS… Read more »