Search Results for: GMO

Organic Crops Succeeding in Ohio

by Kristy Foster Farm and Dairy WOOSTER, Ohio — While many farmers are struggling to make ends meet in this downward spiraling economy, one farming group is hanging on to its niche market. Dave Shively of Bowling Green, Ohio, is an organic farmer who attended a recent field day offered by the Organic Food Farming… Read more »

Small Growers in Short Supply

Local food boom increases demand. Expanding the pool of farmers ‘something that takes time.’ By Coleman Wood When Jonathan Tescher began the East Atlanta Village Farmers Market in 2006, he had to start small despite the growing demand for locally grown organic food. The operating budget that first year was a mere $250, half… Read more »

USDA Releases “Naturally Raised” Claim Standards

Western Livestock Journal Producers hungry for a niche may have gotten a boost last week when USDA published its final standards for a naturally raised marketing claim in the Federal Register. The full text of the document outlines the different areas of public concern, including a broad review of the comments received and how the… Read more »

The Time Is Ripe for Napa’s Organic Grapes

The Washington Post By James Conaway You might be wondering why, if Napa is America’s ne plus ultra in technically pampered wines, flinty-eyed marketing and Type-A price pointing, some in the region are paying much attention to organically grown grapes. Why are they replacing Roundup herbicide with “teas” of yucca, nettles and herbs, fertilizer with… Read more »

American Grassfed Association Rejects New USDA Grassfed Label

Partners with Food Alliance for More Rigorous Standard and Certification Program Denver, CO – The American Grassfed Association (AGA), representing more than 300 grassfed livestock producers, today rejected standards for grassfed claims announced by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), protesting rules that allow confinement of animals and the use of hormones and antibiotics…. Read more »

Record Number of American Farmer Suicides

Cornucopia’s Take: The unfolding tragedy of deaths by suicide among American farmers is incredibly distressing and painful.  One of the reasons Cornucopia was founded was to protect the economic lifeline that organic agriculture offered family farmers who were facing increased economic stress from the get big or get out mentality pervading conventional agriculture.  And now,… Read more »

New York’s Engelbert Family: Cornerstones of American Organic Dairying

[Kevin Engelbert is a board member of The Cornucopia Institute.] This article first appeared in The Milkweed by Paris Reidhead Meet the Englebert family of Nichols, New York L-R: John, Kevin, Lisa, Joe and Kris  On May 2, 2014, I revisited the Engelbert Farm — just outside Nichols, New York. I’ve known these organic dairy farmers since… Read more »

Is An Organic Food Diet Better For Parkinson’s?

Here’s all you need to know about nutrition and diet to help slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Medical Daily By Amy Boulanger | Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of the nervous system, meaning symptoms worsen over time. According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF), approximately one million people in the U.S. live… Read more »

Pesticides: Now More Than Ever

New York Times By Mark Bittman How quickly we forget. After the publication of “Silent Spring,” 50 years ago, we (scientists, environmental and health advocates, birdwatchers, citizens) managed to curb the use of pesticides[1] and our exposure to them — only to see their application grow and grow to the point where American agriculture uses… Read more »