Search Results for: GMO

Dallas Chef Rids the Menu of Genetically-Modified Foods (this link is no longer available) by Shelly Slater DALLAS — Meet the leader of the Mohawk Militia: Patrick Stark. As executive chef of Sundown at Granada, he’s one of the first to revamp his entire menu to be GMO-free. There’s nothing that’s been “genetically modified” here — just natural, organic products. “It’s got an… Read more »

Pro-technology Think Tank Claims Non-GMO Campaign “Deceives Consumers”

Cornucopia’s Take: The innocuously named industry think tank, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), has filed a Citizen Petition [PDF] with the FDA to request a prohibition on use of Non-GMO labeling on food. ITIF stops short of declaring all GMOs safe in their petition, but they do argue that there is no scientific difference between genetic… Read more »

Going Organic Affects Bees and Butterflies

Redlands Daily Facts Linda Richards, Correspondent One could say I’m on a bee kick. I’ve written several articles about honeybees and the other 1,600 bee species in California. I watch them on our landscaping here in Redlands, which features California natives and other habitat friendly plants, I observe the hive in the neighbor’s dead oak… Read more »

Battle Over Beets

Corvallis Gazette-Times By Bennett Hall Organic seed producer Frank Morton has been warning people for years that genetically modified organisms pose a serious threat to the Willamette Valley’s vegetable seed industry. Now he thinks his worst GMO nightmare may be coming true. Roundup Ready sugarbeets – a patented variety engineered by Monsanto to tolerate the… Read more »

Battle Over GMO Labeling has Natural Brands and Corporate Owners at Odds

With upcoming ballot in Washington state, advocates follow the money behind the corporate owners of natural brands Aljazeera America By Michael Ames It’s not easy eating green. Even the most informed omnivore must navigate a labyrinth of half-truths and dubious marketing claims to find foods that are, to use a loaded term, “natural.” And for… Read more »

Dietitians Get Paid to Hold Professional Opinions

Cornucopia’s Take: Bloggers often give their favorite products good press, and native advertising can sometimes be hard to separate from authors’ opinions. Dietitians have frequently taken money from corporations to espouse company lines they agree with. When should a professional disclose their sponsors? Information is a commodity, and each of us must determine who is funding… Read more »

Claims Of GMO Yield Increases Don’t Hold Up

Environmental Working Group by Emily Cassidy, Research Analyst Source: Lindsay Eyink At a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee this week, opponents of mandatory labeling of GMO foods trotted out the now familiar argument that genetically engineered crops are the key to feeding Earth’s mushrooming population. One witness was Professor Nina Fedoroff of Penn State… Read more »

OpEd: Ten Good Reasons Why GMOs Are Not Compatible With Organic Agriculture

Rodale Institute By Jim Riddle Despite fundamental differences in what they represent, there are occasional calls to allow the use of genetic engineering (which produces genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs) within the USDA National Organic Program. GMO varieties are currently most widespread in corn, soybean, canola and cotton crops, in dairy production, and in… Read more »

USDA Refuses to Regulate Gene Editing

Cornucopia’s Take: While President Obama considers signing the GMO labeling compromise, the newest GMO technique, gene editing, is escaping federal regulation. Cornucopia supports the precautionary principle: companies should prove the safety of their products before bringing them to market. Americans Are Buying Gene-Edited Food That’s Not Labeled GMO Bloomberg Technology by Craig Giammona and Jack Kaskey Source: Neil Howard… Read more »