Search Results for: GMO

Under the Influence: The National Research Council and GMOs

Food & Water Watch The National Research Council’s ties to the biotech industry and other corporations create conflicts of interest and raise questions about the independence of their work. Download the issue brief here. Source: Flickr, vaxzine The National Research Council (NRC) — the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences — enjoys a reputation… Read more »

Leading Scientist Says Agroecology is the Only Way to Feed the World

Non-GMO Report By Ken Roseboro Hans Herren, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized scientist specializing in sustainable agriculture. He is president of the Millennium Institute, a non-profit development research and service organization dedicated to sustainable development. Dr. Herren co-chaired the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science & Technology (IAASTD), an initiative sponsored by the World Bank… Read more »

GMO Food Labeling Law Pressure Mounts

The Des Moines Register by Christopher Doering WASHINGTON – Congress could face pressure to establish a uniform, nationwide law on the labeling of foods made with genetically modified ingredients as early as next year, as more states regulate the controversial technology found in much of the U.S. food supply. The debate over whether to label salad… Read more »

Monsanto’s Being a Jerk Again, This Time in Oregon

Rodale News by Leah Zerbe A potential GMO ban in Oregon’s Jackson County has drawn a slew of corporate money into the state, another sign that international chemical and GMO manufacturers will dump massive bucks into an attempt to restrict local and state government’s and communities’ right to govern themselves. These companies have a lot… Read more »

Proposed USDA GMO Labels are Biotech Propaganda

Cornucopia’s Take: The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, USDA’s proposed GMO labeling law, is open for public comment until July 3, 2018. It does not require any foods that have been genetically modified using CRISPR to be labeled GMO, as the USDA contends these modifications could have been produced using traditional plant breeding. The proposed… Read more »

Séralini Study on Toxic Effects of GMOs and Glyphosate Republished

[NOTE: When the French scientist Gilles-Éric Séralini first published disturbing findings of cancer in rats fed GMO corn (in the peer-reviewed Food and Chemical Toxicology journal), the blowback from the biotechnology industry, and related scientists, was so intense that the journal, in a virtually unprecedented step, withdrew the article. After going through two more review… Read more »

Battle Over GMO Labeling Shifts to Senate

AgriPulse by Philip Brasher Kansas GOP Rep. Mike Pompeo Source: Mark Taylor The food industry’s campaign to stop states from requiring labels on genetically engineered products faces an uncertain future in the Senate following a landmark, bipartisan victory in the House. With support from 45 Democrats, the House voted 275-150 on Thursday to approve the Safe and Affordable Food Labeling… Read more »

Congressional GMO Voters Guide: Who Sold Out the “Right to Know”

The Cornucopia Institute Grades Senators and Representatives Ahead of Fall Election Every member of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives has received a grade on their votes during the last session of Congress on issues concerning transparency and the labeling of GMO food ingredients. The scorecard was prepared by The Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based… Read more »

Roundup Weedkiller Found In 75% of Air and Rain Samples, Gov. Study Finds

GreenMedInfo by Sayer Ji The GM farming system has made exposure to Roundup herbicide a daily fact of our existence, and according to the latest US Geological Survey study its probably in the air you are breathing… A new study from the U.S. Geological Survey, accepted for publication online ahead of print in the journal Enviromental… Read more »


Vimeo by The Lexicon of Sustainability GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms. They are created when scientists take DNA from one plant species and add it to the DNA of another and they’re probably already in what you eat and what you wear. Jessica Lundberg of Northern California’s Lundberg Family Farms advocates initiatives that would impose… Read more »