Search Results for: gmo

Revealed: Asian Slave Labour Producing Prawns for Supermarkets in US, UK

Thai ‘ghost ships’ that enslave and even kill workers are linked to global shrimp supply chain, Guardian investigation discovers The Guardian by Kate Hodal, Chris Kelly in Songkhla and Felicity Lawrence Source: Dennis Wright Slaves forced to work for no pay for years at a time under threat of extreme violence are being used in… Read more »

The Great Artisanal Cheese Panic of 2014: A Postmortem

Modern Farmer by Dan Mitchell Credit: Abalg Last week’s big cheese scare came and went like a lightning bolt, but it left a few scorches behind. It all began when an FDA apparatchik, in what she must have thought was routine fashion, responded to a request for clarification on a the FDA’s view on aging cheese on… Read more »

America’s New Hunger Crisis By Ned Resnikoff In the 22 years that Swami Durga Das has managed New York’s River Fund Food Pantry, he has never seen hunger like this. Each Saturday, hundreds of hungry people descend on the pantry’s headquarters, an unassuming house on a residential block. The first people arrive around 2 am, forming a line… Read more »

Food Co-ops Growing Around Country

Plans in works to add 3 more in Chicago area Chicago Tribune By Amanda Marrazzo When Kathy and Jerry Nash moved from Urbana to Lombard, they noticed something lacking in their new community. In Urbana, shopping at a food co-op was a regular activity, but none existed close to their new home. “We expected there… Read more »

America’s Mad Cow Crisis

[Don’t panic. Go organic! Organic farmers are legally prohibited from feeding animal byproducts to livestock. This is the accepted pathway for the prion disease in humans, new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or “Mad Cow”.  — Mark Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst, The Cornucopia Institute] by John Stauber Americans might remember that when the first mad cow was… Read more »

Conventional vs. Organic: An Ag Secretary Race to Watch

The Atlantic By Joe Fassler In Iowa, the race for Secretary of Agriculture has started attracting national attention. Two starkly different candidates are in a dead heat for the traditionally low-profile post, and the winner will be a bellwether of our national attitudes towards food and agricultural policy. The incumbent is Bill Northey, an establishment… Read more »

Pressure Rises to Stop Antibiotics in Agriculture

San Francisco Chronicle By MARGIE MASON AND MARTHA MENDOZA, Associated Press Writers The mystery started the day farmer Russ Kremer got between a jealous boar and a sow in heat. The boar gored Kremer in the knee with a razor-sharp tusk. The burly pig farmer shrugged it off, figuring: “You pour the blood out of… Read more »

(ALERT OVER) Critical Pending Food Safety Legislation

SAMPLE LETTER — click here: We Must Tell Congress to also Protect High Quality Organic and Local Food Supporting Viable Federal Oversight over Corporate Agribusiness Local/Organic Farming: Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Problem! 1. HR 875: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 2. HR 759: The Food and Drug Administration Globalization… Read more »

The Vegetable-Industrial Complex

The Way We Live Now The New York Times By MICHAEL POLLAN Soon after the news broke last month that nearly 200 Americans in 26 states had been sickened by eating packaged spinach contaminated with E. coli, I received a rather coldblooded e-mail message from a friend in the food business. “I have instructed my… Read more »

Concerns Over Use of Glyphosate-based Herbicides and Risks Associated with Exposures: a Consensus Statement

BioMed Central by John Peterson Myers, Michael N. Antoniou, Bruce Blumberg, Lynn Carroll, Theo Colborn, Lorne G. Everett, Michael Hansen, Philip J. Landrigan, Bruce P. Lanphear, Robin Mesnage, Laura N. Vandenberg, Frederick S. vom Saal, Wade V. Welshons and Charles M. Benbrook Environmental Health 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12940-016-0117-0 Source: Pam Link, Flickr Background This Statement of Concern is directed to scientists, physicians, and regulatory officials around the world. We highlight changes in the scope and magnitude of risks to humans and… Read more »