Search Results for: gmo

Is The Way We Raise Our Food Giving Us MRSA?

The antibiotics fed to the farm animals we eat may have helped to create superbugs like the drug-resistant staph bacteria known as MRSA. By Alex Koppelman You may want to put down your BLT before reading this, because there’s a chance that the most delicious part of your sandwich — the bacon, of course… Read more »

Farmer in Chief

The New York Times Magazine By MICHAEL POLLAN Dear Mr. President-Elect, It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is one you barely mentioned during the campaign: food. Food policy is not something American presidents have had to give much thought to,… Read more »

Agrobiodiversity is Key to Nutrition and Sustainability

Cornucopia’s Take: Bioversity International’s new report describes how biological diversity of food can help nourish the world, rather than just feed the world. This distinction is becoming increasingly important as scientists and consumers question the nutrient density of our food. Tutwiler: “Agrobiodiversity holds the key to future food security Food Tank Bioversity International released a new report analyzing… Read more »

Food Sovereignty and Farmers of Color: An Interview with Natasha Bowens

FoodTank by Claudia Urdanivia Food Tank interviews Natasha Bowens, author of the new book, The Color of Food. In The Color of Food: Stories of Race, Resilience and Farming, farmer and community activist Natasha Bowens explores the intersections between food and race as she tells the story of Black, Latino, Asian, and Indigenous farmers and food… Read more »

Shh! No Food Safety Risks Here

Global Food Safety Monitor by Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Source: Paolo For alternative proposals that could strengthen food safety measures in trade agreements to get any traction, you first need to know what’s on the negotiating table. You need to know the existing draft text to figure out where to adjust and insert your… Read more »

When It Comes to Food Packaging, What We Don’t Know Could Hurt Us

Ensia by Elizabeth Grossman Credit: dvs It’s almost impossible to imagine life without flexible, transparent and water-resistant food packaging, without plastic sandwich bags, cling film or shelves filled with plastic jars, tubs and tubes, and durable bags and boxes. While storing food in containers dates back thousands of years, and food has been sold in… Read more »

Eat Local, Give Local: Gardeners Grow Tons of Produce for Food Pantries

The Capital Times By Pat Schneider Linda Joranger likes to get out first thing in the morning to harvest vegetables at the Middleton Outreach Ministry food pantry garden. “That way, when the food pantry opens, there’s fresh produce right there,” says Joranger, a laid-off state worker who turned to the food pantry — and the… Read more »

Oil and Food Don’t Mix

Congress just handed petroleum- and chemical-guzzling industrial farms five more years of wrongheaded subsidies, but chef Dan Barber says sustainable, organic food will yet prevail. By Eli Rosenberg It’s deceptive to say that you are what you eat. If you were, you would likely be heavily processed, refined and packaged, rich in high-fructose corn… Read more »

Spring 2018 NOSB Meeting – Webinar: Thursday, April 19, 2018

Cornucopia staff members attended the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) pre-meeting webinar today, where the NOSB heard comments from the public. Cornucopia’s notes from this meeting are below. You can also view our notes from the Tuesday webinar. Eleven NOSB members present (2 missing, environmentalist and handler NOSB positions have not been filled) Source: gdsteam… Read more »

Seed Libraries Fight for the Right to Share by Christopher D. Cook Source: World Bank Photo Collection It’s easy to take seeds for granted. Tiny dry pods hidden in packets and sacks, they make a brief appearance as gardeners and farmers collect them for future planting then later drop them into soil. They are not “what’s for dinner,” yet without them there… Read more »