Search Results for: GMO

Rural Oregon County Votes on GMO Crop Ban amid U.S. Labeling Uproar

Reuters by Carey Gillam Credit: OCA May 20 (Reuters) – Voters in a small Oregon county were considering on Tuesday a controversial measure that would ban cultivation of genetically engineered crops within their boundaries. The measure in Jackson County in southern Oregon, has drawn national attention and more than $1 million in campaign funding to… Read more »

The GM Labeling Law to End All Labeling Laws

FoodTank by Timothy Wise Source: BASF As the vitriol intensifies in what passes for debate over the safety of genetically modified foods, scientific inquiry, thankfully, continues. A Tufts researcher, Sheldon Krimsky, recently published his assessment of the last seven years of peer-reviewed evidence, finding 26 studies that “reported adverse effects or uncertainties of GMOs fed to animals.” If… Read more »

Why Does the Food Industry Carry Monsanto’s Dirty Water?

Prevention by Robyn O’Brien Monsanto just might be the most contentious company on the planet.  If you read their PR, you’d think they were here to save the world.  If you read their financial statements, you will quickly realize that they are a chemical company. So can a chemical company save the world?  Especially in… Read more »

China Blocks US Imports Over GMO Contamination

Global Research by Christina Sarich Source: Glendon Rolston China has zero tolerance for many GMOs. They’ve made this clear by refusing US exports that contain genetically modified ingredients – not even in the parts per million range. Due to the recent contamination of hay from RoundUp ready GMO alfalfa, the Chinese government has now blacklisted hay from the… Read more »

WA State Attorney General Ferguson Files Suit Against Grocery Manufacturers Association

AG alleges association skirted disclosure rules in $7.2 million contribution to No on GMO food labeling campaign SEATTLE – Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed suit in Thurston County Superior Court alleging that the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) violated the state’s campaign disclosure laws.  Ferguson alleges the GMA illegally collected and spent more than $7… Read more »

Why I Didn’t Return Monsanto’s Phone Call

Eat Drink Better by Jill Ettinger Source: Samantha Celera A few weeks ago, I received an email from a PR person identifying herself as writing on behalf of Monsanto, the multinational biotech company that’s so vilified, there’s an annual “March Against Monsanto” event. Today, the company is best/worst known for its genetically modified seeds like corn,… Read more »

Dr. Robert Kremer: GMOs, Glyphosate and Soil Biology

Food Integrity Now by Carol Grieve’ Dr. Robert Kremer Dr. Robert Kremer is a Professor of Soil Microbiology at the University of Missouri and is recently retired after a 32-year career as a microbiologist with the U.S.D.A.  He spoke with Food Integrity Now about the problems he has studied over the past 18 years with… Read more »

U.S. GMO Food Labeling Drive Has Biotech Industry Biting Back

Reuters By Carey Gillam (Reuters) – New efforts to force labeling of foods made with genetically modified crops, including a bill introduced by U.S. lawmakers Wednesday, have struck a nerve with biotech crop developers who say they are rushing to roll out a broad strategy to combat consumer concerns about their products. Executives from Monsanto… Read more »

Former Biotechnology’s “Governor of the Year” to Oversee GMO Labeling

Cornucopia’s Take: Consumers can currently be certain that their food is non-GMO by buying organic. However, some language in the new GMO labeling bill could dilute the definition of “bioengineered” in organic regulations as well. Lawsuits are already pending. Stand by to help keep organics truly non-GMO. Genetically modified food: New law a disaster San… Read more »