Search Results for: GMO

Scientists Need to Rethink Their Beliefs About GMOs

Francis Thicke is a Cornucopia member and Policy Advisor. Des Moines Register by John Ikerd, Fred Kirschenmann and Francis Thicke Francis Thicke Belief systems and narratives matter, as was pointed out in a Nov. 23 opinion piece defending genetically modified organisms (GMOs) against growing public concerns (“Americans need to rethink our views of GMO vs… Read more »

GM Cotton: A False Promise for Africa’s Farmers

The Ecologist by Arya Tajdin Used clothing imported in bales harms the local cotton and textile industry. Image source: Judy and Ed The idea that GMO cotton offers hope to Africa’s impoverished cotton farmers is facile and fraudulent, writes Arya Tajdin. In fact it only adds to their vulnerability. Their real problems lie in the structural… Read more »

Who Needs the Organic Label

Is It Really Worth Fighting For? [This article was previously published, in abbreviated form, in the winter issue of  The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Mark A. Kastel Executive Director at The Cornucopia Institute Mark Kastel, Executive Director My mother is proud to tell me that 64 years ago she bucked the trend by breast-feeding me… Read more »

‘Monsanto Protection Act 2.0’ Would Ban GMO-Labeling Laws At State Level

International Business Times By Connor Adams Sheets An amendment inserted into the 2013 Farm Bill passed by the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee Wednesday would revoke the ability of individual states’ lawmakers to pass GMO-labeling laws, food advocates warn. The amendment, introduced by Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican, is the newest salvo in an ongoing battle… Read more »

GMO Labeling Efforts Change Course After California Defeat

Reuters By Carey Gillam and Lisa Baertlein (Reuters) – The failure on Tuesday of a California ballot initiative that would have mandated labeling of genetically modified foods is not a death knell for those seeking nationwide labeling, U.S. labeling proponents said. President Barack Obama’s re-election could be a boost, as he is seen, in general… Read more »

Sliced GMO Apples Coming to Midwest Stores Next Month

Cornucopia’s Take: Apples genetically modified not to brown will hit grocery coolers soon. Cornucopia recommends avoiding them, and the synthetic pesticides they harbor, by buying organic.  The GMO added anti-browning gene adds nothing nutritionally. Rather it is a marketer’s dream, allowing them to sell apples that one wouldn’t eat if you saw the browning. First… Read more »

You Asked for It! Cornucopia Clarifies What Organics Is and What It Isn’t

[This article was previously published in the summer issue of The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Melody Morrell, Data Analyst & Research Specialist at The Cornucopia Institute Source: Adobe Stock The Cornucopia Institute is proud to represent thousands of members within the good food movement. Our research and educational efforts support the integrity of the… Read more »

Help Protect Vermont’s GMO Food Labeling Law

If Not Blocked, Vermont’s Law May Usher in GMO Labeling Nationwide! Source: Alexandra E Rust Vermont’s landmark GMO food labeling law is scheduled to take effect on July 1. Monsanto and the Big Food opponents of the law are scrambling in the U.S. Senate to come up with a federal law to block or preempt… Read more »

Prominent Chefs Serve Up a Message to Congress: Label GMOs

Center for Food Safety Source: David Holt Washington, D.C. – More than 700 chefs – including Tom Colicchio, José Andrés, Art Smith and Sam Talbot – are urging members of Congress to support legislation to mandate labeling of genetically modified foods and to oppose efforts to block state GMO labeling laws. In a petition delivered… Read more »

2015, the Year the GOP Strikes Back at Obama Food Policies

Politico by Jenny Hopkinson, Helena Bottemiller Evich, Bill Tomson and Chase Purdy Source: USDA The Obama administration is becoming increasingly involved in what Americans put on their dinner plates and in their cereal bowls, from requiring school children to be served fruit to eliminating trans fats in doughnuts. But the new Republican Congress is already… Read more »