Search Results for: GMO

FDA Concerned with GMO Labeling ‘Compromise’

The Hill by Lydia Wheeler The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expressed concern over a new bipartisan compromise to address the national fight over the labeling of foods with genetically modified ingredients. The agreement, which could get a procedural vote on the Senate floor as early as next week, would require the Agriculture Secretary… Read more »

GMA Discloses Anti-Labeling Funders

Attorney General Forces Agribusiness Lobby Group to Disclose Secret Funders of Campaign to Defeat GMO Labeling in Washington After the Washington Attorney General filed suit against the grocery manufacturers Association (GMA) for violating state election disclosure requirements, the lobby group Friday published a list of their major donors. As was the case with funding that… Read more »

Vermont To Delay Citizen Right To Sue Over GMO Labels

Food & Environment Reporting Network by Chuck Abbott Source: Beth Cortez-Neavel Consumers will not be allowed to sue over companies’ failure to label GMO foods until next summer, Vermont legislators decided, with the state’s first-in-the-nation label law taking effect July 1. In the final days of their session, Vermont legislators attached a rider to the… Read more »

Op-Ed: New Mexico Next in Line to Try for GMO Labeling

Digital Journal By Anne Sewell Santa Fe – While California’s Proposition 37 ballot initiative to label GMO products seems to have failed, a State Senator in New Mexico is next to take the baton in the fight for labeling of genetically modified food products. As was seen with Proposition 37, with Monsanto and Big Pesticide’s… Read more »

Stark Sisters Granola

They write: “Stark Sisters Granola, which has received rave reviews for its Maple Almond, Nutty Maple and Maple Raspberry Blueberry from Bon Appetit, The New York Times, Boston Globe, and many more, is now proud to say that all their granolas have been Non-GMO Project Verified. This Verification demonstrates Stark Sisters’ fierce commitment to keeping… Read more »

City Farm

They write: “Welcome to City Farm! We are a farm located in Montrose, Colorado that produces hydroponic produce, herbs and free range, pasture raised laying hens. Our method of farming is by utilizing principles of permaculture (permaculture definition: The development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.), recycling and creating a zero waste… Read more »

Monsanto GMO Seeds Dominate Market

Cornucopia’s Take: GMO farmers have seen big crop losses as weeds have increasingly become resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup. Monsanto has pushed its dicamba resistant soy and cotton seeds as a solution, but use of the  notoriously volatile herbicide will inevitably promote dicamba resistant weed growth. Meanwhile, the massive increase in dicamba use has caused record… Read more »

Judge: Maui Ban on GMO Crops is Invalid

Aljazeera by The Associated Press Source: Eric Chan A federal judge has ruled that federal and state law pre-empts Maui County GMO-crop ban A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a Maui County ban on the cultivation of genetically engineered crops is pre-empted by federal and state law and invalid. The county’s ordinance creating the prohibition… Read more »

GMOs, Science and…Politics?

Boiling Frogs Post By Sibel Edmonds Research should be conducted by independent investigators who can freely publish their results, but should not be subject to politics.  Unfortunately, when it comes to GMOs, this is not always true.  When a research study was published in a respected scientific journal that showed harm to rats fed GMO… Read more »