Search Results for: GMO

‘Regenerative Organic’ Label Coming Soon

Cornucopia’s Take: In response to the co-option of the word “sustainable” and the increasing threats to the integrity of the organic label, Rodale and a coalition of farmers, ranchers, nonprofits, scientists, and brands are creating an “add-on” certification. The ‘Regenerative Organic Certified’ label will go beyond the current organic standards to ensure that consumers have… Read more »

Biotech Labeling Drive Not Going Away, Merrigan Says

AgriPulse By Jim Webster WASHINGTON — The drive to require labeling of food with biotech ingredients “is not going to go away,” former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan said today. “People want to know,” she told the CropLife America 2013 National Food Policy Conference. “I’m not saying it’s a right to know or a… Read more »

Approval of New Chemical-Resistant GMOs Likely to Prompt Pesticide Escalation

PR Watch by Jill Richardson A decade and a half after farmers began planting the first genetically engineered (GE) crops, the future is clear. The scientists who pioneered genetic engineering thought of themselves as environmentalists, creating products that could reduce pesticide use. Instead, they have simply perpetuated the same “pesticide treadmill” as their pesticide-peddling counterparts… Read more »

Monsanto Pulls GM Corn Amid Serious Food Safety Concerns

The Permaculture Research Institute of Australia GMOs, Health & Disease — by Dr. Brian Applicant’s dossiers contained wide-ranging fraudulent research For the first time, a GM multinational has pulled two GM corn varieties from the regulatory and assessment process at the eleventh hour (1), after planning for a future income of several billion dollars per… Read more »

Organic Trade Association (OTA) Loses Membership Due to GMO Labeling Duplicity

Cornucopia’s Take: In the wake of the recent GMO labeling compromise, the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) has withdrawn its membership from the Organic Trade Association (OTA).  OTA members include many huge conventional companies with smaller organic portfolios who would not like to see GMO labeling applied to their conventional products. The OTA… Read more »

Mark Kastel to Present at Carolina Farm Stewardship Conference November 15-17

Mark Kastel, Cornucopia Codirector and Senior Farm Policy Analyst, will make a return visit to the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Conference this year. The 28th Annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference will be held in Durham, North Carolina, November 15-17. Kastel, who delivered the keynote address a few years ago, when CFS held its conference in South… Read more »

GMO Fight Song

GMO Non-Food Fight Song posted with permission of Theresa Griffith. Theresa performed her song before the National Organic Standards Board meeting in Portland, OR in April.

God’s Red Pencil? CRISPR and the Three Myths of Precise Genome Editing

Independent Science News by Jonathan Latham, PhD CRISPR gene editing involves guide RNA and a protein that can cut DNA. Image source: Georgios Karamanis For the benefit of those parts of the world where public acceptance of biotechnology is incomplete, a public relations blitz is at full tilt. It concerns an emerging set of methods… Read more »

Iconic Organic Industry Giants Missing in Action

UPDATE: We are pleased to report that Stonyfield Organic’s Gary Hirshberg contacted us and made a personal contribution and committed to supporting the Yes on 37 California ballot initiative. We are happy to remove him from the updated Missing in Action poster. For more details, click here. Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Hain Celestial AWOL in… Read more »