Search Results for: GMO

Golden Rice Not So Golden

Cornucopia’s Take: The FDA has determined that no health claims can be made for Golden Rice, the genetically engineered (GE) rice meant to contain beta-carotene. The amount of the nutrient it contains is so low that it fails to qualify for a nutrient claim – and it rapidly degrades in storage.  Most GE crops currently… Read more »

Citizens Want Real Food Choices

Cornucopia’s Take: Cornucopia supports consumers’ right to know what is in their food, and we are heartened by reforms to the food system found on ballots across the nation. While this article alleges there is no science behind consumer objections to GMOs, we disagree. GMOs have increased the use of pesticides on farmlands, bred pesticide… Read more »

Moms for Labeling Sues No on 522 to Stop Ads with False Disclosures and Freeze Illegal Contributions

No on 522 campaign opposing GMO food ingredient labeling could face penalties of up to $7 million FuseWashington (Seattle) – Moms for Labeling filed suit Monday against the No on 522 campaign, seeking to force their advertisements to comply with Washington’s campaign finance disclosure laws. In addition, the suit asked the judge to “sequester” the… Read more »

Organic Crusader Wants Food Labels to Spell It Out

Minnesota-based group leads national battles over labeling that identifies genetically modified ingredients. Star Tribune By Mike Hughlett Consumers who want to know if their food contains genetically modified ingredients can thank Ronnie Cummins for his efforts to slap labels saying as much on everything from taco chips to coffee cake. Food companies can blame him… Read more »

Genetically Modified Crops in the Food Supply: The Threat to Your Health

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund by Judith McGeary, Esq. The case against genetically modified (GM) crops has been growing for years. While there are no long-term studies on the health effects of eating food from GM crops, even short-term studies have raised very troubling questions. For example, a panel of scientists in India recently reviewed studies… Read more »

GMO Salmon is Being Sold as Sushi

Cornucopia’s Take: Although AquaBounty, the makers of engineered fast-growing salmon, have refused to tell the public where their product is being sold, their CEO recently bragged to investors that it is being used in the Canadian buyer’s “high-end sashimi lines, not their frozen prepared foods.” Consumers must continue to be wary of the origin of… Read more »

Agrochemical Companies Sue to Block Anti-GMO Law in Hawaii

Reuters By Christopher D’Angelo Three of the world’s largest agrochemical companies have filed a lawsuit in Hawaii to block a law enacted on the island of Kauai in November to limit the planting of biotech crops and the use of pesticides. DuPont, Syngenta and Agrigenetics Inc, a company affiliated with the Dow AgroSciences unit of… Read more »

Stonyfield Chairman Throws Weight/Commitment behind Proposition 37 in California

Gary Hirshberg Encourages All Organic Stakeholders to Invest in GMO Labeling Cornucopia, WI – At least one chapter in what some in the organic industry described as a “family feud” has been amicably settled after one of the organic industry’s most prominent corporate leaders, Gary Hirshberg, cut a check supporting the campaign to pass California… Read more »

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Sought to Retaliate Against Europe over Monsanto GM Crops

Democracy Now JUAN GONZALEZ: U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks reveal the Bush administration drew up ways to retaliate against Europe for refusing to use genetically modified seeds. In 2007, then-US ambassador to France Craig Stapleton was concerned about France’s decision to ban cultivation of genetically modified corn produced by biotech giant Monsanto. He also… Read more »

GMO Lobbying Spiked 31 Percent in First Quarter

Bloomberg BNA by Casey Wooten Source: Umberto Salvagnin As the Senate geared up earlier this year to debate legislation establishing a nationwide, voluntary system for labeling foods made with genetically modified organisms, so did K Street. But for all the lobbyists, public campaigns and press releases, Congress couldn’t agree on a national labeling standard. The… Read more »