Search Results for: GMO

ACTION ALERT: Act Now to Stop Monsanto’s Congressional DARK Act

[This action alert is now closed] The U.S. Senate will be holding a hearing on Monsanto’s and Big Food’s dream bill to crush the right of states to require labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients. Dubbed by opponents the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act, H.R. 1599 is being pushed as several states… Read more »

Can GMOs Save the World?

Aljazeera America by Anna Lappé Source: Peter Blanchard In October in Istanbul, farmers, agricultural researchers and advocates from around the world gathered for the Organic World Congress, organized by the 42-year-old International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM). With 800 affiliates in 124 countries, IFOAM comes together every three years to gauge its global efforts to promote… Read more »

OSGATA v. Monsanto

Will Farmers Receive Justice? New York, New York – It was standing room only as family farmers from around North America filled Federal Court Judge Naomi Buchwald’s courtroom in Manhattan on Tuesday, January 31. The topic was the landmark organic community lawsuit OSGATA et al v. Monsanto and the oral argument Monsanto’s pre-trial motion to… Read more »

GMO Labeling Bill Introduced in U.S. Congress

Food Safety News By Dan Flynn Today Colorado’s Jared Polis will announce, outside a reborn organic retail store in Boulder, that he is introducing a federal bill in Congress to mandate the labeling of food containing genetically modified organisms in all 50 states. And next Tuesday, the Maryland House Health and Government Operations Committee will… Read more »

Astroturfing in Action

Cornucopia’s Take: Speaking of astroturfing, may we introduce Trevor Butterworth, masking his ties to industry while professing to “put science at the heart of public discussion.” Trevor Butterworth Spins Science for Industry U.S. Right to Know by Stacy Malkan Source: John In a November exposé for The Intercept, “How Self-Appointed Guardians of ‘Sound Science’ Tip… Read more »

GMO Drift Renders Organic Crops Uninsurable

Cornucopia’s Take: In an apparent handshake with the biotech industry, the USDA has declared that crop insurance does not cover organic crops contaminated by chemical or GMO drift. Other problems also plague crop insurance programs for organic farmers, as the insurance doesn’t include pesticide contamination in inputs like compost. A good insurance program would pay… Read more »

Monsanto Confronts Devilish Public Image Problem

Politico By: Jenny Hopkinson Monsanto is the agriculture world’s prince of darkness, spreading its demonic genetically modified seeds on fields all over the earth. Or at least that’s the case if you believe the likes of HBO talk-show host Bill Maher, the hazmat suit-wearing activists in Occupy Monsanto or any of a growing number of… Read more »

Biotechnology Proponent’s Recipe to Defend GMOs Produces a Stew Blending Orwellian Rhetoric with Sheer Demagoguery

by Mark A. Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst at The Cornucopia Institute Mark Kastel A commentary in the December 29 edition of the Wall Street Journal, by Julie Kelly, a prolific defender of the biotechnology industry and a self-identified suburban mom, cooking instructor, and accidental activist, claimed that in 2015 genetically engineered food made great progress despite… Read more »

Creating Tastier and Healthier Fruits and Veggies with a Modern Alternative to GMOs

By combining traditional plant breeding with ever-faster genetic sequencing tools, researchers are making fruits and vegetables more flavorful, colorful, shapely and nutritious Scientific American By Ferris Jabr Armed with toothpicks and sour cream, Michael Mazourek and three friends marched into the field of 600 chili pepper plants. One by one, they pierced the habaneros and… Read more »

Opponents threaten to push for biotech labels

Three farmers say biotech wheat will destroy Japanese market Capital Press By Dan Wheat WATERVILLE, Wash. — Feeling their 1,012 petition signatures to stop genetically modified wheat have been ignored, three Waterville wheat growers may start a new petition drive this winter seeking labeling of any foods containing such products sold in the U.S. “At… Read more »