Search Results for: GMO

Monsanto Throws GMO Victory Party in California

$46 Million Advertising Blitz Convinces Citizens to Vote “Against Own Interests” Sacramento, CA — After a deluge of allegedly misleading advertisements paid for in large part by pesticide and biotechnology corporations, California voters defeated Proposition 37, which would have given them the right–to-know whether the foods they buy at the grocery store contain genetically engineered… Read more »

GM Soy Linked to Illnesses in Farm Pigs

Institute of Science in Society Danish Farmer Reverses Illnesses in pigs by reverting to a GM-free diet for his animals, which is yet further evidence for the toxicity of glyphosate tolerant GM crops. — Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji A Danish farmer has gained huge public recognition for publishing his simple method for ridding his pigs of… Read more »

Monsanto Fingerprints Found All Over Attack On Organic Food

The Huffington Post by Stacy Malkan, Co-director, U.S. Right to Know Source: Alan Levine When a reputable-sounding nonprofit organization released a report attacking the organic food industry in April 2014, the group went to great lengths to tout its independence. The 30-page report by Academics Review, described as “a non-profit led by independent academic experts in… Read more »

GMO Apple Comment Period Opens

[NOTE:  USDA’s APHIS has posted their Environmental Assessment (EA) and Plant Pest Risk Assessment (PPRA) for Arctic apples, and is requesting public comments on the documents. The comment period has been extended to December 16. To comment directly, go to!documentDetail;D=APHIS-2012-0025-1938] GMO apple producer optimistic about USDA approval following final, 30-day public comment period that… Read more »

Don’t Repeat Mistakes That Led to Superweeds

The Des Moines Register by Neil D. Hamilton Palmer Amaranth Credit: USDA The Des Moines Register deserves a hearty thank you for Donnelle Eller’s eye-opening Sunday article on glyphosate-resistant Superweeds. It details a real threat to Iowa agriculture and raises important questions about responsibility and the way forward. Some may believe it too soon or even… Read more »

Courts Force U.S. Reckoning With Dominance of GM Crops

The New York Times By PAUL VOOSEN of Greenwire (First in a series.) These days, there is no rarer commodity in farming than trust. Take Oregon’s Willamette Valley, which for generations has been the germ of the U.S. sugar beet industry, producing nearly all the country’s seeds. Such breeding is complicated when neighbors grow genetically… Read more »

2018 Farm Bill May Include “NOSB Reforms” Benefiting Industrial Organics

Cornucopia’s Take: Natural Grocers’ Alan Lewis recently visited Capitol Hill to discuss the upcoming Farm Bill with lawmakers. He shares his experience, insight, and disturbing commentary below about what this may mean for organic food and agriculture. Will Coming “Reforms” at the USDA Spell the End of Organic? LinkedIn by Alan Lewis Source: Douglas Simkin… Read more »

Open Pollenated: Seeds of Value

Restoration Seeds By Chuck Burr An open pollenated (OP) seed is a seed of value, it can grow a plant true to the plant is was saved from. OP seeds are fertilized naturally by insects, birds, wind or their structure. Many of our seeds are called heirlooms who can trace their linage back before 1951… Read more »

Roundup Chemical Doubles Your Risk of Lymphoma

A major new review finds this “safe” weed killer is anything but harmless. Rodale News by Leah Zerbe There’s been a striking increase in the number of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases over the past three decades, and a major new scientific review suggests chemical pesticides—particularly glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular weedkiller Roundup—are playing an… Read more »

‘Seed Freedom is the Answer to Hunger and Malnutrition’

We must resist seed monopolies of corporates, they harm us all, writes biodiversity campaigner Vandana Shiva The Guardian What happens to the seed affects the web of life. When seed is living, regenerative and diverse, it feeds pollinators, soil organisms and animals – including humans. When seed is non-renewable, bred for chemicals, or genetically engineered… Read more »