Search Results for: GMO

A Safer Food Future, Now

Consumer Reports by Eric Schlosser Source: USDA During our 80th-anniversary year, Consumer Reports is introducing a series of provocative opinion essays by leading thinkers on urgent consumer issues. We hope you’ll join the conversation with us. Severely obese schoolchildren, E. coli outbreaks, salmonella in ground beef, arsenic in apple juice and rice, poultry sickened by… Read more »

Gene-Edited Food Coming to Your Grocery Store in 2019

Cornucopia’s Take: GMOs are created by splicing genes from one organisms into another, sometimes of different species. This process has brought us Roundup-ready feed crops and has resulted in a huge uptick in both pesticide use and pesticide-tolerant weeds. Gene-editing instead turns off existing genes in the organism or splices the existing genes in a… Read more »

What is a GMO?

Click to view this brief, informative video. 

U.S. Farm, Food Groups Want Better Oversight of GMO Field Trials

More than 150 U.S. farm and food businesses and organizations on Wednesday called for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to strengthen its oversight of field trials of experimental, genetically modified crops Reuters By Carey Gillam The group includes organic and natural food industry representatives as well as family farm and trade policy players. It said… Read more »

This Might Be Our Only Chance for GMO Labeling—We Can Win This One!

[This Action Alert is Over] Action Alert As California Goes, So Goes the Nation Democratic and Republican administrations, and Congress, have repeatedly ignored the overwhelming majority of Americans who favor labeling genetically engineered (GE) food in the marketplace. Our politicians seem to be listening to the corporate executives (their donors) instead of the citizenry. But… Read more »

Hershey Dumps Sugar Beets Because of GM Concerns

Star Tribune by Tom Meersman Source: Frankie Leon Regional co-ops are worried about losing big candy customers Something was different about a lot of the Hershey’s kisses in your stocking this year: The popular chocolates no longer contain sugar made in Minnesota. For decades, the Hershey Co. has used sugar made from both sugar beets and… Read more »

Biodiversity, GMOs, Gene Drives and the Militarized Mind

Common Dreams by Vandana Shiva Source: Dee Davee Easyflow A recent report from the National Academy of Science of The United States, titled “Gene Drives on the Horizon: Advancing Science, Navigating Uncertainty, and Aligning Research with Public Values,” warns: “One possible goal of release of a gene-drive modified organism is to cause the extinction of the… Read more »

Food Companies Claim Victory Against Labeling Initiative in Washington State

New York Times By Stephanie Strom Some of the nation’s major food companies declared victory on Wednesday over an initiative in Washington State that would have required labeling of some foods that contain biotech ingredients, although supporters of labeling held out hope that hundreds of thousands of uncounted votes might yet turn the tide. With… Read more »

Jim Riddle Presents at Organic Conference in Iran

Jim Riddle and Vandana Shiva On August 25, 2015, Jim Riddle, Director of Organic Independents LLP, spoke at the 3rd International Conference on Trade and Market Development of Organic Products in Tehran, Iran. Riddle spoke on the “Environmental and Health Impacts of GMOs.” The daylong conference was attended by 600 persons, with extensive media coverage…. Read more »

Farmers Expected to Double Dicamba-Ready Acreage to Prevent Drift Damage

Cornucopia’s Take: Although reports of less dicamba drift damage to crops in the 2018 season seem promising, many farmers are planting dicamba resistant (GMO) crops preventatively. University of Missouri professor Kevin Bradley has been tracking the rise in dicamba damage and notes growing damage to trees in areas where dicamba is used the most. Dicamba… Read more »