Search Results for: GMO

Farmers Abandoning GMO Seeds and the Reason Will Surprise You

Off the Grid News by Daniel Jennings A growing number of farmers are abandoning genetically modified seeds, but it’s not because they are ideologically opposed to the industry. Simply put, they say non-GMO crops are more productive and profitable. Modern Farmer magazine discovered that there is a movement among farmers abandoning genetically modified organisms (GMO) because of simple… Read more »

Escaped GMO Grass Threatens Oregon

Cornucopia’s Take: According to this article, since its first field tests in Oregon in 2003, Scotts’ GMO bentgrass has contaminated fields and wilderness, threatening endangered plants in a 30-mile range. Suspiciously, Scotts has told the USDA it will not commercialize the grass, while still seeking deregulation. The USDA appears prepared to give up oversight, to… Read more »

The Frankenfood Conspiracy: Secret Summit Where Slick Lobbyists for Bio-Tech Giants Seduced Tory Ministers into Changing Their Tune on GM Food

[Note:  The British government has recently grown very outspoken in its new-found support for GMO foods.  Here’s a revealing look at what changed.] The Daily Mail By Guy Adams Even by the standards of an industry that claims to be able to end hunger, prevent environmental catastrophe and bring prosperity to the developing world, it… Read more »

Newsletter – Summer 2012

The summer issue of The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is now available online. Please share it widely. Knowledge is power! Let’s keep growing the good food movement. Look for these great stories inside: USDA-Agribusiness Collusion Groups Appeal Monsanto’s Gene Patent Lawsuit Carcinogen Approved for Use in Organic? Temra Costa on “Farmer Janes” Farmers Wary… Read more »

GMO Companies Are Dousing Hawaiian Island with Toxic Pesticides

Grist by Paul Koberstein Taro field on Kauai Credit: Rod Ramsey WAIMEA, HAWAII — The island of Kauai, Hawaii, has become Ground Zero in the intense domestic political battle over genetically modified crops. But the fight isn’t just about the merits or downsides of GMO technology. It’s also about regular old pesticides. The four transnational… Read more »

Survey Shows Organic Farmers Pay the Price for GMO Contamination

EcoNews by EcoWatch The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will finalize its comment period this week on the feasibility of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and non-GMO crops to coexist. Today, to highlight prevalent problems that already exist, Food & Water Watch in partnership with theOrganic Farmers’ Agency for Relationship Marketing (OFARM) released survey results showing contamination from GMO crops and how… Read more »

The Goodman Affair: Monsanto Targets the Heart of Science

Independent Science News By Claire Robinson and Jonathan Latham, PhD Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal, has jested that instead of scientific peer review, its rival The Lancet had a system of throwing a pile of papers down the stairs and publishing those that reached the bottom. On another occasion, Smith was… Read more »

A German Corporate Shill

Cornucopia’s Take: Germany’s ex-minister of agriculture Christian Schmidt played a major role in the recent re-licensure of glyphosate in the European Union, despite the German peoples’ opposition to the ubiquitous herbicide. The article below notes that, despite the EU’s renewal of glyphosate use, Germany is now working toward terminating the use of glyphosate and GMOs…. Read more »

Food-Manufacturer Group Sued Over Funds Against GMO Labels

[NOTE:  Cornucopia has created an infographic detailing spending on I-522] Seattle Times By Melissa Allison A nonprofit organization backing Initiative 522 has sued the Grocery Manufacturers Association, saying the industry group should be disclosing which member companies are giving money to fight the initiative. I-522 would require labeling of food with genetically engineered ingredients. The… Read more »

Farmers and Seed Producers Launch Preemptive Strike against Monsanto

Lawsuit Filed To Protect Themselves from Unfair Patent Enforcement on Genetically Modified Seed Action Would Prohibit Biotechnology Giant from Suing Organic Farmers and Seed Growers If Innocently Contaminated by Roundup Ready Genes NEW York: On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit today against… Read more »