Search Results for: GMO

Vandana Shiva Calls for Indian Independence from Monsanto

Cornucopia’s Take: Activist Vandana Shiva will attend the One Earth One Humanity One Future festival in England this month, joining many thought and action leaders to share ideas for increased sustainability and social justice in the world. We must reclaim our freedom from Monsanto like we did from the British New Internationalist Magazine by Vandana… Read more »

Connecticut First to Require GM Food Labels, as Soon as Others Do

Food Safety News Connecticut is the first U.S. state to pass a law requiring the labeling of genetically modified food. The liberal internet environmental news magazine Grist summed up the law when it was passed Tuesday: “Connecticut will label GMOs if you do too,” Grist reported. While tied to what other states do, Connecticut did… Read more »

Corn Conquers the Market

Cornucopia’s Take: Corn has become the most consistently profitable crop for U.S. farmers, backed by federal subsidies which allow farmers to accept very low prices in the market. Subsidized corn keeps CAFOs running, inundates international markets at falsely low prices, and results in more farmers growing the crop. The Crop That Ate America Bloomberg by Alan… Read more »

The Cultivator – Summer 2013

The Summer issue of Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter is now available online. Download it in PDF form: Cultivator Summer 2013 In it you’ll find: Cover story: State of Fever – Monsanto’s GMO Policy Infecting All Levels of Government Editorial: Profit Over Your Health News: Antibiotic Use in Orchards News: GMO in Infant Formula Feature: Citizen Lobbyists… Read more »

Eyes on Washington State GMO Food Labeling Vote

[An earlier version of this story appeared in Cornucopia’s Fall newsletter] After the narrow defeat last November of the statewide vote in California to require the labeling of foods containing genetically engineered ingredients, supporters of food transparency have brought the issue to numerous other states. Connecticut and Maine have adopted GMO labeling laws, contingent on… Read more »

Toothless GMO Labeling Bill Signed by President

Cornucopia’s Take: The President has decided to ignore the outpouring of citizen opposition to the GMO food (non)labeling bill passed by Congress, and has signed into law a big gift to Monsanto and their biotech allies. President Obama & Ag Secretary Vilsack view the 2012 Iowa drought Source: USDA Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R…. Read more »

Anti-GMO Measure Qualifies for May Ballot

Corvallis Gazette-Times by Bennett Hall Benton Food Freedom Voters in the May election will be asked to determine the future of genetically engineered crops in Benton County. An initiative that would ban the planting of genetically modified organisms or patented seeds has qualified for the May 19 ballot. Backers of the anti-GMO ballot measure, known… Read more »

Syngenta Faces Dozens of Lawsuits Over GMO Seed

LaCrosse Tribune by David Pitt DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Agrochemicals giant Syngenta is facing a growing number of lawsuits challenging its release of a genetically modified corn seed that China had not approved for import, with losses to farmers estimated to be at least $1 billion. More than 50 lawsuits have been filed in… Read more »