Search Results for: GMO

Lobbying Expenditures Against GMO Labeling Soar This Year

Los Angeles Times By David Pierson The food industry spent $9 million lobbying Congress to oppose laws requiring labeling for genetically modified products in the first quarter of this year, nearly matching its total spending for all of last year, a new report said. The Washington D.C.-based Environmental Working Group said big spenders included the… Read more »

Arkansas Farmers Say Syngenta Tainted Grain Supply To Promote GMO

Arkansas Business by Jan Cottinham Source: John Lillis At least a dozen Arkansas farmers have joined hundreds of farmers in 19 other states in almost 800 lawsuits against Swiss seed maker Syngenta over genetically modified corn seed, a case that has been widely reported in the media. But one of the lawsuits, filed on behalf… Read more »

Ben & Jerry’s to Go Glyphosate-Free, But Not Organic

Cornucopia’s Take: While Ben & Jerry’s is planning to stop using ingredients made with crops that have been desiccated with glyphosate, it changes nothing about the conventional milk upon which their ice cream is based. Conventional milk comes from cows fed GMO feed crops sprayed with toxic chemicals. The cows live in CAFOs, where they… Read more »

Kauai County Council Override Frees Way For GMO Bill

Huffington Post After a cunning political maneuver, the Kauai County Council has overridden Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho’s veto of Bill 2491, freeing the way for the GMO-related bill. Bill 2491, which passed a County Council vote on Oct. 16, will force agricultural companies to disclose when and where they spray pesticides, restrict spraying to a… Read more »

Activists Grill Producers of Modified Corn

Monsanto’s engineered crop hits stores unlabeled, but Wal-Mart isn’t worried Chicago Tribune By Monica Eng As the Midwest crunches into sweet corn season, a new type will be appearing on grocery store shelves — even though shoppers have no way to recognize it. It’s genetically modified sweet corn from the biotech giant Monsanto, engineered to… Read more »

Rice Yields Skyrocket Thanks to Changes in Management Practices

Cornucopia’s Take: While Big Ag continues to bill toxic pesticides, herbicides, and patented GMO seeds as the only way to feed the planet, organic methods have made headlines in India and worldwide for producing giant yields. India’s rice revolution The Guardian by John Vidal in Bihar, India Source: Yamanaka Tamaki Sumant Kumar was overjoyed when he… Read more »

Majority of EU Nations Seek Opt-out from Growing GM Crops

Reuters by Barbara Lewis © European Union 2015 – European Parliament Nineteen EU member states have requested opt-outs for all or part of their territory from cultivation of a Monsanto genetically-modified crop, which is authorized to be grown in the European Union, the European Commission said on Sunday. Under a law signed in March, individual… Read more »

Go Organic: Here’s Why

By Charlotte Vallaeys For babies and children, whose brains are rapidly developing, it is especially important to buy organic versions of foods whose counterparts are commonly sprayed with neurotoxic pesticides or fumigants. Even on relatively “clean” conventional foods, if pesticides were used someone was exposed to them – if not you or your child then… Read more »

The Unregulation of Biotech Crops

The Scientist by Kerry Grens Source: Pictures of Money Genetic engineering—once a trigger for federal oversight—is now ushering some modified crops around scrutiny. Thirty years ago, scientists could have only dreamed about techniques to manipulate the genome that researchers have at their disposal these days. It should come as no surprise, then, that regulations governing… Read more »

Biotech Group Spent Historic $7M Against Maui GMO Farming Moratorium

Now global seed companies Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences are spending more on a legal challenge to the voter-approved initiative. Civil Beat by Anita Hofschneider Hawaiian Corn FieldSource: David Casteel A biotech group backed by Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences spent a record-breaking $7 million in its failed attempt to defeat a Maui County voter initiative that will… Read more »