Search Results for: GMO

Go Organic: Here’s Why

By Charlotte Vallaeys For babies and children, whose brains are rapidly developing, it is especially important to buy organic versions of foods whose counterparts are commonly sprayed with neurotoxic pesticides or fumigants. Even on relatively “clean” conventional foods, if pesticides were used someone was exposed to them – if not you or your child then… Read more »

The Unregulation of Biotech Crops

The Scientist by Kerry Grens Source: Pictures of Money Genetic engineering—once a trigger for federal oversight—is now ushering some modified crops around scrutiny. Thirty years ago, scientists could have only dreamed about techniques to manipulate the genome that researchers have at their disposal these days. It should come as no surprise, then, that regulations governing… Read more »

Lithuania Bans GM Crops as Biotech Industry Loses More Ground

Sustainable Pulse Source: Artiom P Lithuanian Agriculture Minister, Virginija Baltraitienė, announced last week that the Baltic country has demanded an EU opt-out regarding the growing of genetically modified (GM) crops. Baltraitienė stated; “So far we are not ready. We have to choose whether to promote organic production, or allow GMOs. Our strategy is to increase the number… Read more »

Wildfires Rage at New Mexican Organic Meetings

Farmers, Consumers and Public Interest Groups Square off Against Corporate Interests ALBUQUERQUE, NM:  Passions flared at the semiannual meeting of the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), last week in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the federal advisory panel approved a number of synthetic ingredients for use in organics, over the objection of the majority of… Read more »

Is Your Pet’s Food as Safe as You Think?

5 Tips to Keeping Your Furry Friend Healthy and Well Fed By Linley Dixon, PhD In recent years, anecdotal reports by veterinarians suggest there has been a spike in serious intestinal maladies in pets. Americans spend about $22 billion on pet food each year. Source:  Pet food quality varies significantly and all too often includes dangerous… Read more »

Untested GMO Ingredient Sold Without FDA Approval

Cornucopia’s Take: Many highly processed plant-based foods are currently on the market masquerading as health food. Cornucopia believes people should have access to the healthiest and most nutritious food, and no matter what your dietary choice, purchasing authentic organic food should be of paramount importance. Eaters should also avoid hexane-extracted soy protein, found in many… Read more »

GMO Science Deniers: Monsanto and the USDA

Huff Post by Andrew Kimbrell Perhaps no group of science deniers has been more ridiculed than those who deny the science of evolution. What you may not know is that Monsanto and our United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are among them. That’s right: for decades, Monsanto and its enablers inside the USDA have denied… Read more »

The Anti-GMO Labeling Crowd in California

The mis- and/or under-informed, the lackeys and the malevolent actors opposing the California GMO labeling ballot initiative are announcing their opposition to the food labeling measure. These organizations, who oppose you knowing what’s in your food, include: Agriculture California Farm Bureau Federation California Women for Agriculture California Grain and Feed Association California Seed Association Agricultural… Read more »

California GMO Labeling Initiative Headed for Ballot

Right to Know Campaign Turns in Nearly One Million Signatures California Right to Know Campaign SAN FRANCISCO — In victory rallies across state today, supporters celebrated as the California Right to Know campaign filed 971,126 signaturesfor the state’s first-ever ballot initiative to require labeling of genetically engineered foods. The huge signature haul, gathered in a… Read more »

Organic Tomatoes, Part 1, Greater Health Benefits

Stephanie Robbins SF Organic Food Examiner Reducing our food down to its micronutrients is the most unromantic way to look at food we’ve come up with yet. Gone are the descriptions that tempt us and make our mouths water. We’ve tossed out the sweet, tang of a tomato on our lip and replaced it with… Read more »