Search Results for: GMO

Watch Your Language!

[This article was previously published in the spring issue of The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Melody Morrell, Data Analyst & Research Specialist at The Cornucopia Institute Good Food Words Coopted by Big Ag Words rise up to describe the work of a farmer caring for her land, her herd, her community. These words multiply,… Read more »

Strong Support for Labeling Modified Foods

New York Times By Allison Kopicki Americans overwhelmingly support labeling foods that have been genetically modified or engineered, according to a New York Times poll conducted this year, with 93 percent of respondents saying that foods containing such ingredients should be identified. Three-quarters of Americans expressed concern about genetically modified organisms in their food, with… Read more »

Wheat Concerns Spread to Willamette Valley Canola Battle

Portland Business Journal By Robert Goldfield Willamette Valley seed producers have seized upon the discovery of genetically modified wheat in an eastern Oregon farm field as one more reason to ban canola production. Producers of “specialty seed” — a term for a wide variety of vegetable and flower seeds — deem it a $50 million… Read more »


Sunrise Soy Foods is a Canadian soyfoods company. They manufacture primarily non-organic, non-GMO soy foods, but their Soyganic line is organic. They readily shared their sourcing information with us. They do not buy directly from family farmers, but buy North American-grown soybeans from Canadian brokers. They write: “Sunrise Soya Foods is the leading tofu manufacturer… Read more »

Follow the National Organic Standards Board Meeting in Tucson, AZ #NOSB

Last Updated: April 27 at 6:08PM CT Join The Cornucopia Institute as we live tweet from the National Organic Standards Board meeting in Tucson, Arizona. We will be sharing the play by play with our Twitter followers under #NOSB or simply follow our stream. For background on issues up for discussion at the meeting, see:… Read more »

Hotly Debated GMO Labeling Bill Inches Toward Vote

The Des Moines Register by Christopher Doering QR Codes may be used to disclose GMO ingredients under the bill  WASHINGTON — A bipartisan bill requiring foods with genetically modified ingredients to be labeled passed a key hurdle in the Senate Wednesday, clearing the way for a vote as soon as this week. The Senate voted 65-32 to limit debate… Read more »

Maine House Gives First Nod to GMO Labeling Bill in Landslide Vote

A lawsuit from Monsanto likely awaits if the Legislature enacts the bill co-sponsored by 120 lawmakers, including Democrats, independents and Republicans. Portland Press Herald By Steve Mistler AUGUSTA — Maine is on track to join several other states attempting to require food producers to label food containing genetically modified ingredients, following a landslide vote in… Read more »

USDA Survey Asks Question About GMO Contamination and Drift

Source: Environmental Illness Network The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) is completing its USDA Organic Survey. Although farmers don’t often appreciate surveys, this one has some critical questions about GMO presence in Section 10.  NASS is trying to collect information on problems farmers have had with GMO contamination of their organic crops they have… Read more »

Does Your Favorite Ice Cream Contain Glyphosate?

Cornucopia’s Take: Longtime organic dairy farmer Will Allen wrote this piece below about Ben & Jerry’s empty promises to farmers and consumers. Because Ben & Jerry’s is made from conventional milk, The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) recently found glyphosate residue in the ice cream. Sign OCA’s petition to Ben & Jerry’s CEO telling them to… Read more »