Search Results for: GMO

Senate Agriculture Committee: Notes from May 26

Should Corporate Agribusiness Lobbyists and Money Drive Organic Policy? Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) & Pat Roberts (R-KS) Source: USDA Representatives of the largest trade associations in the beef, pork, turkey, and egg industries testified before the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee. They told Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) and ranking minority member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) absolutely… Read more »

Slaves May Be Catching Your Fish

Cornucopia’s Take: A recent report reveals that slave labor is used in the fishing industry, detaining workers on boats for months, or even years, at a time. Sustainability audits are not effective at protecting workers, so advocates offer a hotline, and a future app, so laborers can share their stories about this inhuman practice. When… Read more »

Monsanto, Dow Unit Sue Maui County Over GMO Law

ABC News (AP) by Audrey McAvoy Source: David Casteel Monsanto Co. and a Dow Chemical Co. unit filed the lawsuit in federal court in Honolulu, asking a judge to immediately prevent the law from taking effect and to invalidate the measure. “This local referendum interferes with and conflicts with long-established state and federal laws that… Read more »

Carol’s (Pete and Gerry’s)

They write: “On small New England family farms, from green-up in spring through autumn, our pasture-raised hens spend their days with plenty of seasonal, green grass to roam in, sunshine, and a cozy barn to sleep in at night. Providing chickens with enough seasonal pasture to thrive takes a lot of space, because they have… Read more »

Over Half of Americans Say Organic is Better for Your Health

Cornucopia’s Take: A recent survey by Pew Research Center indicates that political affiliation, along with education, income, geography, and having minor children, has no bearing on people’s feelings about organics. People who observe a strong relationship between food and well-being tend to see organics as better for their health. The New Food Fights: U.S. Public… Read more »

Appeals Court Binds Monsanto to Promise Not to Sue Organic Farmers

[Note:  The Cornucopia Institute has been a plaintiff in this case.] Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association A three-judge panel at the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has ruled that a group of organic and otherwise non-GMO farmer and seed company plaintiffs are not entitled to bring a lawsuit to protect themselves from… Read more »

Organic is Soil

Certifying Hydroponics is Against the Law [This article was previously published in the winter issue of The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Linley Dixon, PhD Farm and Food Policy Analyst at The Cornucopia Institute The majority of organically certified soil-lesshydroponic operations primarily rely onhydrolyzed, conventionally produced and,likely, GMO soybeans to achieve the fertilityneeded to produce a… Read more »

Cornucopia Urges Rejection by USDA of New GMO 2,4-D Crops

[This comment period is over] Docket No. APHIS–2013–0042 Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD APHIS, Station 3A–03.8 4700 River Road Unit 118 Riverdale, MD 20737–1238 March 5, 2014 The Cornucopia Institute is a 501(c)(3) public interest organization engaged in farm and food policy research and education.  We are proud to represent approximately 10,000 members, who support… Read more »

Family Farmers Charge Ahead in Battle Against Monsanto

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Seventy-five family farmers, seed businesses, and agricultural organizations representing over 300,000 individuals and 4,500 farms filed a brief today with the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington asking the appellate court to reverse a lower court’s decision from February dismissing their protective legal action against agricultural giant Monsanto’s… Read more »

GMO Corn, with Attendant Pesticides, is Now Vermont’s Top Crop

Cornucopia’s Take: Like the rest of the country, Vermont has seen incredible rises in the use of pesticides, including glyphosate, on its farms. The state agriculture agency claims to lack the funds to better regulate pesticides in use or study new ones, while the agency’s recently released fact sheet on glyphosate sounds like it came… Read more »