Search Results for: GMO

Jim Riddle on Minnesota Sen. Klobuchar’s GMO Labeling Vote

by James Riddle Blue Fruit Farm Board Member, Right to Know Minnesota Jim Riddle On March 1, 2016, Sen. Amy Klobuchar voted with the Republican majority on the Senate Agriculture Committee to prohibit the mandatory labeling of foods containing genetically engineered (GE) ingredients by States or by the Federal government. This is a major betrayal… Read more »

Sanders Calls For GMO Labeling Amendment To Farm Bill

VPR News By Bob Kinzel Senator Bernie Sanders is urging his colleagues to allow individual states to require the labeling of all genetically engineered foods. Sanders’ proposal is one of more than 80 amendments to the new Farm Bill. The Vermont Legislature considered a labeling bill this past session but Democratic leaders decided not to… Read more »

Angry Consumers Deluge Kashi with Concerns over GMO Subterfuge

Damage Control PR by Kellogg Division under the Microscope Cornucopia, WI – A photo of a sign explaining why Kashi cereal products were pulled from the shelves of a natural foods retailer has sparked an angry consumer backlash aimed at Kashi for its use of suspect cereal ingredients. The sign appeared in the aisles of… Read more »

Groups Sue U.S. Over GMO Crops in Wildlife Refuges

Lawsuit involves crops in eight Midwestern states. Fourth in a series of similar legal actions. Plaintiffs claim Roundup Ready crops hurt environment. Reuters By Carey Gillam (Reuters) – Environmental and food safety groups filed suit on Wednesday against the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, demanding it end the cultivation of genetically modified crops on Midwestern… Read more »

Food Companies Petitioned to Ban New Monsanto GMO Corn

Reuters By Carey Gillam Opponents of Monsanto’s new genetically modified sweet corn are petitioning national food retailers and processors to ban the biotech corn, which is not labeled as being genetically altered from conventional corn. A coalition of health, food safety and environmental organizations said they have collected more than 264,000 petition signatures from consumers… Read more »

Yes, Organic Farming Can Feed the World

A recent gathering of researchers and smallholder farmers in Istanbul yields insights. TakePart by Anna Lappe Source: Adriane Herman A few years ago, I was at a biotechnology trade meeting listening to a panel on GMOs. Throughout the two-hour session, the panelists all sang the praises of the technology—not too surprising at an industry event. (At… Read more »

A Bad Effort in Congress to Thwart States on Food Labels

The New York Times by The Editorial Board Source: USDA The Senate could soon join the House to try to make it harder for consumers to know what is in their food by prohibiting state governments from requiring the labeling of genetically modified foods. This is a bad idea that lawmakers and the Obama administration… Read more »