Search Results for: GMO

Combating Monsanto

New Report Details Grassroots Resistance to the Corporate Power of Agribusiness A new report from Friends of the Earth International, Combat Monsanto, and La Via Campesina provides snapshots of frontline struggles against Monsanto and other biotech corporations pushing genetically modified (GM) crops. “This report demonstrates that the increasingly vocal objections from social movements and civil… Read more »

Call Your Senators Today on Biotech Regulatory Rollback

[This action alert is over] UPDATE:  The Senate has yet to vote on the resolution, and may not until Monday.  If you haven’t called yet, you still have time to make your voice heard. Speak up for farmers and good food! Monsanto and agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into the Continuing Resolution… Read more »

Polish Farmers ‘Grassroots Rebellion’

Farmers in northern Poland are demanding the right to sell the food they produce in local shops, fighting oppressive sanitary regulations, picketing the Land Agency for access to prime farmland, and resisting GMOs. The Ecologist By Julian Rose & Jadwiga Lopata A fight-back by farmers is gathering momentum in the provinces of North Poland to… Read more »

Contented Hen (Mid-States Specialty Eggs)

Mid-States Specialty Eggs is comprised of approximately 160 individual Mennonite Family Farms that produce a variety of Specialty Shell Eggs. Each farm holds 2 Animal Welfare certifications along with a desired certification for Organic or Non-GMO. This brand also sells under the brand name Eggs “R” Us. You can find this brand at major grocery… Read more »

Twists and Turns Unfold in the Oregon GMO Food Labeling Ballot Initiative Recount

UPDATE:  Judge Henry Kantor has rejected the Yes on 92 Campaign’s appeal to put a restraining order on the Secretary of State to prevent certification of the November 4 election.  The Yes Campaign is currently discussing options following the judge’s decision. Source: Vox Efx With only an 812 vote difference (out of 1.5 million cast)… Read more »

California Takes Up Bill to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

New bill provides greater clarity than Proposition 37, giving Californians the right to know what’s in their food and how it’s grown Biosafety Alliance Paul Towers and Stacy Malkan California state senator Noreen Evans Sacramento, Calif – Answering the call for greater transparency and choices in the food system, California State Senator Noreen Evans (D… Read more »

Eggs “R” Us (Mid-States Specialty Eggs)

Mid-States Specialty Eggs is comprised of approximately 160 individual Mennonite Family Farms that produce a variety of Specialty Shell Eggs. Each farm holds 2 Animal Welfare certifications along with a desired certification for Organic or Non-GMO. This brand also sells under the brand name Contented Hen, including some of their organic eggs. You can find… Read more »

Scientist Raises Concerns About GM Crops and Glyphosate

The Western Producer Posted by Brenda Frick Future historians may well look back and write about our time …. about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations with this massive experiment that is based on false promises and flawed science just to benefit the “bottom line of a commercial enterprise,”… Read more »

Explosive New Book Exposes Monsanto’s Corrupt Science

Cornucopia’s Take: Carey Gillam has been reporting on agricultural pesticides and Monsanto for two decades. Her new book, Whitewash, is the culmination of her years of investigation into Monsanto and their cornerstone pesticide, Roundup. Monsanto’s ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Deception Exposed in ‘Whitewash’ EcoWatch by Stacy Malkan Carey Gillam’s new book is available now from Island Press: Whitewash: The… Read more »