Search Results for: GMO

Rotten to the Core

Let the USDA here your comments:!submitComment;D=APHIS-2012-0025-0001.  Comment deadline closes September 11.  Help make this link viral! For more information on the proposed GMO apple, check out this recent NY Times story.

Climate Change Moving Faster Than U.S. Ag Policy

Cornucopia’s Take: Long time agricultural writer Alan Guebert shares his concerns below about how climate change and technological advances are outpacing agricultural policy in this country. He opines that sustainable energies will come into use out of necessity in the changing worldscape. Rural Americans, and farmers in particular, he says, will need to lead the… Read more »

Agrarian Revival

Young and Beginning Farmers Plant Roots of Sustainability and Community By Elizabeth Wolf, Communications and Development Director Over the past century, the total number of American farmers has plummeted to less than 1% of the U.S. population. For each individual farmer under the age of 35, there are six over 65. And while the average… Read more »

GM Salmon Can Breed With Trout and Harm Ecosystem, Warn Scientists

Genetically modified salmon can breed with wild trout to produce a new fast growing fish that can harm natural species, scientists have warned. The Telegraph By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent The researchers fear that plans to farm a new type of GM salmon that grows faster than normal salmon may result in some of the… Read more »

Stand-off Looms Over U.S. Plans to Cut GMO Crop Oversight

Reuters By Charles Abbott and Carey Gillam Efforts to write benefits for biotech seed companies into U.S. legislation, including the 2013 Farm Bill, are sparking a backlash from groups that say the multiple measures would severely limit U.S. oversight of genetically modified crops. From online petitions to face-to-face lobbying on Capitol Hill, an array of… Read more »

Gene-Altered Food Fight Rages On as Oregon Takes Lead By Alison Vekshin The battle over genetically modified food labeling that’s drawn almost $85 million in campaign donations in little more than a year is moving to Oregon after industry opponents defeated drives in California and all but certainly in Washington state. Oregon advocates are pushing ahead with a pair of labeling initiatives for the 2014… Read more »

Sustainable Farming Can Feed the World?

The New York Times, Opinion By MARK BITTMAN The oldest and most common dig against organic agriculture is that it cannot feed the world’s citizens; this, however, is a supposition, not a fact. And industrial agriculture isn’t working perfectly, either: the global food price index is at a record high, and our agricultural system is… Read more »

Blue Sky Family Farms (Egg Innovations)

Family owned and operated, Egg Innovations is headquartered in Port Washington, Wisconsin and originates Free Range and Pasture Raised organic, non-GMO and conventionally fed eggs under the Blue Sky Family Farms brand. They can be found in finer natural and grocery stores throughout the Midwest and Northeast. Our eggs are raised by family farmers on… Read more »

The Cultivator – Fall 2013

The fall issue of Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter is now available online. Download it in PDF form: Cultivator Fall 2013 In it you’ll find: Cover story: Food Safety: One Size Does Not Fit All! Editorial: The Ethics of Human Testing to Prove Harm Preview: Fall National Organic Standards Board Meeting News: Aquaculture Standards: Something Fishy Going… Read more »