Search Results for: GMO

The Cultivator – Spring 2013

The Spring issue of Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter is now available online. Download it in PDF form: Cultivator Spring 2013 In it you’ll find: Cover story: USDA Organic Program: Schizophrenic? Editorial: Whose “Science” Should We Trust? News: State GMO Actions Multiply After Prop 37 Preview: Carrageenan: The “Natural” Food Additive That’s Making Us Sick Feature: Toxic… Read more »

Another Reason to Eat Organic – No Potassium Bromate in Your Bread

Living Maxwell by Max Goldberg Source: Anthony Albright If you are a bread lover, which so many of us are, there is just another reason why you should be eating organic: potassium bromate. Potassium bromate is an additive used in flour which strengthens the dough and allows it to rise higher. Furthermore, it gives the… Read more »

The GM Lobby and Its ‘Seven Sins Against Science’

The Ecologist By Peter Melchett The pro-GM lobby has sought to take the ‘scientific high-ground’ by positioning itself as the voice of reason and progress, while painting its opponents as unsophisticated ‘anti-science’ luddites. In a scathing response Peter Melchett turns the tables. Powerful forces in Western society have been promoting genetic engineering (now usually genetic… Read more »

How Genetically Modified Foods Could Affect Our Health in Unexpected Ways

Yet another reason to test GMOs for safety. AlterNet / By Ari LeVaux Chinese researchers have found small pieces of rice ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the blood and organs of humans who eat rice. The Nanjing University-based team showed that this genetic material will bind to receptors in human liver cells and influence the uptake… Read more »

Unregulated Gene Editing Technique Causes Unintended Gene Mutations

Cornucopia’s Take: CRISPR gene editing is an inexpensive technology now available to anyone with the equipment. It is billed by biotech companies as a very exact process, and U.S. regulatory bodies have so far chosen not to include organisms modified using CRISPR in GMO regulation and labeling. The study below actually found significant unpredictability in… Read more »

Got Organic?

Slate by Leah Douglas Is a national fund to promote organic produce a good idea? Organic farmers don’t think so. Source: “Got Milk?” “Pork: The Other White Meat.” “The Incredible Edible Egg.” “Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner.” For years, these familiar slogans have highlighted the importance of American kitchen staples. What better represents the… Read more »

Rich Soil Makes Rich Tea

Cornucopia’s Take: Enjoy one of the winning films from the 2016 Real Food Films contest. This organic tea farmer in Japan shows his love for the soil and for tea in a video short. Naturali Tea 2016 Winner at Real Food Films on Vimeo 2016 Real Food Films Winner: Grand Prize Runner Up & Best… Read more »

The Cultivator – Winter 2014

The Winter 2014 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter, is now available online. Download the PDF here. In it you’ll find: Cover story: Nonprofits Versus Agribusinesses (Again) Yogurt: New Report Released Feature: Aerial Images Expose Factory Farms Kibble Me This: Is Your Pet’s Food Safe? Commentary: FDA Releases New Food Safety Rules News: GMO Losses and Wins Call for Interns:… Read more »

The Cultivator – Spring 2014

The Spring 2014 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter, is now available online. Download the PDF here. In it you’ll find: Cover story: Leaving a Sour Taste: Conventional “Yogurt” Masquerades as Health Food While Organic Keeps It Real FDA Withdraws Controversial Food Safety Rules Feature: The Insidious Effects of Monsanto’s Roundup Commentary: Lessons Learned from GMO Labeling… Read more »