Search Results for: GMO

Dicamba Altercation Leads to Death

Cornucopia’s Take: Amaranth, a common weed threat to crops, has become resistant to other herbicides on the market. Many conventional farmers have turned to more chemicals for help. Dicamba is an older generation herbicide known for its propensity to drift and damage nearby crops. The recent release of seeds genetically modified for resistance to dicamba… Read more »

Wholesale Approval of Genetically Engineered Foods — Obama Administration Disappoints/Angers Public

Agent Orange Herbicide Ingredient Would be Widely Used USDA seeks comments for Monsanto and Dow genetically engineered crops Cornucopia, WI – Over the holidays, the United States Department of Agriculture announced its approval of a novel strain of genetically engineered corn, developed by Monsanto, purportedly being “drought tolerant.” Despite receiving nearly 45,000 public comments in… Read more »

American Farmers Challenge Monsanto at U.S. Supreme Court

[Note:  The Cornucopia Institute is one of the 73 plaintiffs in this case.] Protection Sought From Genetic Contamination and to Invalidate Monsanto’s Patents on Genetically Engineered Crops Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association New York – A group of 73 American organic and conventional family farmers, seed businesses and public advocacy groups asked the U.S. Supreme… Read more »

Climate-Friendly Food and Farming: Why We Need Labels on Factory-Farmed Food

Common Dreams By Ronnie Cummins, Director, Organic Consumers Association A growing number of organic consumers, natural health advocates and climate hawks are taking a more comprehensive look at the fundamental causes of global warming. And it’s led them to this sobering conclusion: Our modern energy-, chemical- and GMO-intensive industrial food and farming systems are the… Read more »

USDA Partially Deregulating Biotech Sugar Beets

Reuters By Carey Gillam and Chuck Abbott KANSAS CITY/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. agricultural regulators on Friday said despite a court ban, they would allow commercial planting of genetically modified sugar beets under closely controlled conditions while they complete a full environmental impact statement. The move marks the second-such boost by the United States for contested… Read more »

Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law: DuPont, Syngenta Fight Disclosure of Internal Studies

Brattleboro Reformer by Robert Audette Source: Michael Galkovsky The Vermont Attorney General’s Office is asking a federal judge to force Syngenta Corporation and Dupont to turn over internal studies relating to the safety of genetically modified organisms. The state is asking the manufacturers of genetically engineered seeds — such as DuPont, Syngenta, Dow, Monsanto and… Read more »

U.S. Farmers Latest to Sue Syngenta Over GMO Corn Rejected by China

Reuters by Tom Polansek Credit: Jeannette E. Spaghetti (Reuters) – Farmers from the biggest U.S. corn-growing states have sued Syngenta AG over sales of genetically modified corn seed not approved by China, joining global exporters in pursuing damages from the Swiss-based company. In coordinated lawsuits filed on Friday in federal courts in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri,… Read more »

UPDATE 1-Syngenta Halts Sales of New GMO Corn Seed in Canada

Reuters By Tom Polansek Syngenta AG said on Monday it had halted commercial sales in Canada of corn seed containing a new and controversial genetically modified trait because major importers had not approved the product. Syngenta pulled from the Canadian market seed containing the Agrisure Duracade trait, which was available for planting for the first… Read more »