Search Results for: GMO

Senate Kills Monsanto Protection Act

Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) has announced the end of the controversial Monsanto Protection Act. Snuck into a federal government funding resolution in 2012, as a rider (at the behest of Republican Senator Roy Blount of Missouri), the act shielded Monsanto from legal review and challenges brought to federal courts that would halt the sale or… Read more »

HELP: We Need a Quote from a Consumer Who Purchases Natural/Organic Breakfast Cereal

Hello Cornucopia members and organic stakeholders, Have you ever purchased “natural” Kashi breakfast cereal or Bear Naked granola? Did you know they were manufactured by Kellogg’s? Have you ever purchased Back to Nature granola (Kraft) or something “natural” from Quaker Oats (PepsiCo)? You won’t find the names of any of these major corporate agribusinesses on… Read more »

Go Raw

Freeland Foods makes Go Raw© granola. The company, based in Mountain View, California, is dedicated to making only 100% organic foods that are sprouted and dehydrated, creating products that truly are minimally processed and raw. The company’s commitment to sustainability is evidenced not only by its use of 100% organic ingredients, but also by its… Read more »

What Is a ‘Natural’ Food? FDA Seeks Public Input for Definition

Journal Sentinel by Rick Barrett Federal regulators are seeking public opinion on the use of the word natural on food labels, a move that could change the way hundreds of products are advertised. Phrases such as “made with natural ingredients” are commonly used in the food industry, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does… Read more »

Unreleased FDA Testing Reveals Glyphosate in Common Household Foods

Cornucopia’s Take: As glyphosate is sprayed on corn, soy, wheat, and oat crops in rising amounts, it is finding its way into cereals, crackers, and many other products on grocery store shelves. Unfortunately, the FDA is under no obligation to share their full findings with public, unless the public files a freedom of information request,… Read more »

Can You Clone an Organic Cow?

By Jim Riddle On December 28, 2006, the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Draft Risk Assessment on meat and milk from cloned animals. The FDA concluded that animal cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), “results in an increased frequency of health risks to animals… Read more »

U.S. Forced to Import Corn as Shoppers Demand Organic Food

Chicago Tribune by Alan Bjerga, Bloomberg News Source: Paul Townsend & OR Dept. of Agriculture Washington — A growing demand for organics, and the near-total reliance by U.S. farmers on genetically modified corn and soybeans, is driving a surge in imports from other nations where crops largely are free of bioengineering. Imports such as corn… Read more »

Raising the Bar

Choosing the Healthiest Organic Snack Bar Brands [This article was previously published in the summer issue of The Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] by Linley Dixon, PhD, Senior Scientist at The Cornucopia Institute Source: Adobe Stock Snack bars are a highly profitable $8 billion industry, posting double-digit annual growth rates. A small, but growing, percentage of the… Read more »

Conventional Dairy Image Belies Toxic Reality

Cornucopia’s Take: The image of tranquil cows gladly giving their healthy milk is only PR spin hiding the reality of many conventional cows living on concrete and eating toxins. Consumers’ first choice should be organic dairy. Will Allen & Michael Colby: Dairy Marketing vs. Reality VT Digger by Will Allen and Michael Colby Editor’s note:… Read more »

Food Issues Still Not on Politicians’ Radar

Cornucopia’s Take: With the public increasingly concerned with food quality, sustainability, and food safety, these issues don’t grab much attention from elected officials (outside of GMO labeling and ethanol).  But food politics cuts across political lines and may yet provoke more attention from lawmakers. When Will Food Issues Be on Politicians’ Plates? The New York Times… Read more »