Search Results for: GMO

Max Goldberg Interviews USDA Sec. Perdue on Organic Issues

Cornucopia’s Take: Organic Insider’s Max Goldberg interviewed USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue regarding the agency’s decision to allow hydroponic growers to label their produce “organic.” Perdue began by saying, “It shouldn’t be competitive,” and wound up with a quote about feeding people “more efficiently and more effectfully [sic] … around the world.” The organic label exists… Read more »

Election Day Rundown on Pesticide Restrictions and GE Labeling: Victories and Setbacks

Beyond Pesticides Blog Source: Howard Lebowitz A mixed day for environmental and public health advocates everywhere, election day, November 4, 2014, brought victories and setbacks. While campaigns to advance public health and environmental protections faltered, as did supportive candidates, bright spots did poke through, leading the way forward for future grassroots efforts. Ogunquit, Maine Pesticide Ban Small but… Read more »

Gimmicky Nutraceuticals Deceiving Health-Conscious Consumers

DHA Omega-3 Oils in Food = Proven Beneficial by Scientific Research DHA from Mutated Algae by DSM/Martek Biosciences = Unproven and Risky Written by Charlotte Vallaeys Farm and Food Policy Director, The Cornucopia Institute To our amusement, someone in the organic food industry called The Cornucopia Institute an “anti-DHA group.”  Yes, it is true that… Read more »

PACTPA Could Reduce Pesticide Exposure

A farmworker holding carrots with text that reads "support the removal of toxic pesticides from U.S. agriculture"

In 2021 the multi-billion dollar agrochemical industry derailed The Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA), which would outlaw several pesticides linked to catastrophic human and environmental health hazards. Now the bill is getting a second chance. The bill, recently reintroduced in the Senate, would also change how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversees… Read more »

Resisting the Corporate Theft of Seeds

The Nation Vandana Shiva We are in a food emergency. Speculation and diversion of food to biofuel has contributed to an uncontrolled price rise, adding more to the billion already denied their right to food. Industrial agriculture is pushing species to extinction through the use of toxic chemicals that kill our bees and butterflies, our… Read more »

Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?

Scientific American The Editors Advances in agricultural technology—including, but not limited to, the genetic modification of food crops—have made fields more productive than ever. Farmers grow more crops and feed more people using less land. They are able to use fewer pesticides and to reduce the amount of tilling that leads to erosion. And within… Read more »

Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?

Scientists must ask corporations for permission before publishing independent research on genetically modified crops. That restriction must end. Scientific American By The Editors Advances in agricultural technology, including, but not limited to, the genetic modification of food crops, have made fields more productive than ever. Farmers grow more crops and feed more people using less… Read more »

Tester-Hagan Sign On Letter 2014

[NOTE: Coordinated by the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, this letter outlines a number of concerns with the FDA’s new proposed food safety rules and their applicability to family-scale farmers and ranchers.  The Cornucopia Institute is among the 70 organizations that co-signed, and the 12,000 farmers, food and agricultural business leaders and individual signers.] Click… Read more »

Why the FDA Doesn’t Really Know What’s In Your Food

The Center for Public Integrity by Erin Quinn and Chris Young Why doesn’t the government know what’s in your food? Because industry can declare on their own that added ingredients are safe. It’s all thanks to a loophole in a 57-year-old law that allows food manufacturers to circumvent the approval process by regulators. This means… Read more »