Search Results for: GMO

U.S. Organic Sales and Organic Operation Numbers Rise

Cornucopia’s Take: After years of flatlining, the number of domestic organic farms has finally started to rise.  And while organic food accounts for about 5% of all food sales in the U.S., organic farms still only account for about 1% of total farm acreage.  Yet many organic family farmers are facing intense pressure from cheap… Read more »

Sikkim is India’s First Organic State Traditional Meal in Sikkim, India Source: All of Sikkim’s farmland has been certified organic under the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) regulations by the end of 2015. “Sikkim has already achieved that feat of living in harmony with nature, and is therefore a model of development which also protects nature,” Prime Minister… Read more »

Are Secret, Dangerous Ingredients in Your Food?

The Washington Post by Kimberly Kindy Food manufacturers are routinely exploiting a “legal loophole” that allows them to use new chemicals in their products, based on their own safety studies, without ever notifying the Food and Drug Administration, according to a new report by an environmental and consumer advocacy group. Natural Resources Defense Council identified 56 companies… Read more »

Democracy in the Grocery Aisle?

Commentary by Will Fantle Source: iStock One of the more interesting takeaways from the state-based battle to enact GMO food ingredient labeling has been the deluge of money that Monsanto, their biotech allies, and Big Food corporate interests have been willing to spend to drown out your right-to-know about what you are putting in your… Read more »

Monsanto vs. the Monarchs: The fight to save the world’s most stunning butterfly migration

North America is on the verge of losing one of its most spectacular phenomena, Chip Taylor tells Salon Salon by Lindsay Abrams Credit: Captain Tucker Monarch butterflies are pretty impressive insects: Aside from that whole metamorphosis thing, they’re famous for their annual winter migration, an up to 3,000-mile journey across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. The breathtaking spectacle… Read more »

Follow the National Organic Standards Board Meeting in Washington, DC #NOSB

Last Updated: 4-27-16, 5:00 p.m. ET Join The Cornucopia Institute as we live tweet from the National Organic Standards Board meeting in Washington, D.C. We will be sharing the play by play with our Twitter followers under #NOSB or simply follow our stream. If you’re not already following us on Twitter, please do so here. Read… Read more »

Go ask Alice

Are Alice Waters’ gastronomic principles — shop locally, eat organically — too hard to live by? A frank talk with the renowned guru of fresh food. By Farhad Manjoo I had been prepared to skewer Alice Waters. Though I have eaten some of the best food I’ve ever encountered at her Berkeley restaurant Chez… Read more »

How the Pesticide Industry Controls What You Eat

A sign in a field reading "danger, pesticides, keep out"

Merchants of Poison: How Monsanto Sold the World on a Toxic Pesticide reveals how pesticide companies have waged expensive campaigns to shape the narrative about science and our food system, pushing the ideas that pesticides — a term that encompasses insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and more — are safe and that we need them to feed… Read more »

G.M.O. Apples Are Approved for Growing in the United States

The New York Times by Andrew Pollack Source: Kelly Teague The United States on Friday approved the commercial planting of genetically engineered apples that are resistant to turning brown when sliced or bruised. The developer of the apple, a small Canadian company called Okanagan Specialty Fruits, says it believes the apples will help improve sales… Read more »