Search Results for: GMO

Industrial Farming Alone Cannot Feed the World

Cornucopia’s Take: Organic farming plays an important role in sequestering carbon, building soil fertility, conserving water, providing high-nutrient food, and mitigating the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Industrial farms pump out billions of bushels of GMO corn and soy to feed sick livestock in massive CAFOs to flood markets with cheap bacon, hamburger, milk,… Read more »

Open Source Seeds Champion the Future of Biodiversity

Cornucopia’s Take: While corporations continue to lock down patents on plant characteristics and merger mania encompasses agribusiness seed companies, forward-minded breeders worldwide are promising the traits and genes they work with to future generations, free of charge. HOW “OPEN SOURCE” SEED PRODUCERS FROM THE U.S. TO INDIA ARE CHANGING GLOBAL FOOD PRODUCTION Ensia by Rachel… Read more »

Fall 2018 NOSB Meeting – Webinar: Thursday, October 18, 2018

Cornucopia staff members attended the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) pre-meeting webinar today, where the NOSB heard comments from the public. Cornucopia’s notes from this meeting are below. You can also view our notes from the Tuesday webinar. Ten of 15 NOSB members present at the beginning of the call: Source: Hideya Hamano Ashley Swaffar Jesse… Read more »

Dow’s New GE Corn Would Rely on Toxic 2,4-D Herbicide

KEYE-TV Austin By Barbara Kessler -Green Right Now In the brave new world of bio-tech agriculture, the big pesticide/herbicide makers have argued for years that their genetically modified crop manipulations would reduce the use of chemicals. It made sense, that tactic. Almost everyone agrees that our health and the environment would benefit from reduced pesticide… Read more »

Mexico and Monsanto: Taking Precaution in the Face of Genetic Contamination

FoodTank by Timothy A. Wise Credit: Keith Weller, USDA To listen to the current debates over the controversial requests by Monsanto and other biotech giants to grow genetically modified (GM) maize in Mexico, you’d think the danger to the country’s rich biodiversity in maize was hypothetical. It is anything but. Studies have found the presence of… Read more »

Op-Ed: Genetically Modified Crops Are Not the Answer

The Hill (link no longer available) By Dr. Hans Herren and Dr. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman The Senate is considering a bill that would overhaul the way Americans deliver foreign aid. With more people going hungry than ever before, the bill’s attention to global hunger could not come at a better time. The Global Food Security Act would… Read more »

USDA Refuses to Regulate Genome Editing in Plants

Cornucopia’s Take: USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue issued clarification, below, on the USDA’s oversight of plants produced through genome editing, including CRISPR. Perdue has set the stage to ensure that food produced using these gene-editing technologies does not have to be labeled “GMO.” Shoppers can avoid all genetically modified crops by choosing only certified organic food…. Read more »

Dicamba Ban to Continue Through October 2018 in Arkansas

Cornucopia’s Take: After receiving almost 1,000 complaints of misuse of the controversial and highly volatile pesticide dicamba, the Arkansas Plant Board has unanimously extended their dicamba ban through the 2018 growing season. While the pesticide manufacturer, Monsanto, considers legal action, even the EPA is considering limits on the chemical for next year. Arkansas Plant Board… Read more »

Farm to Fork: Uncovering Hazards in Our Food Systems

Reveal News from The Center for Investigative Reporting In December, Reveal will dedicate an hour to stories about food, looking at the complicated networks of labor, trade and regulation that carry meat, produce and other products to our tables. We’ll upend your ideas about what kind of chicken is most susceptible to salmonella, unveil the secret… Read more »