Search Results for: GMO

Seventy–Eight Percent of U.S. Families Say They Purchase Organic Foods

Consumers vote with their dollars despite economic difficulty Organic Trade Association Contact: Barbara Haumann Brattleboro, VT (Nov. 2, 2011)—Seventy eight percent – more U.S. families than ever before – say they are choosing organic foods, according to a study published today by the Organic Trade Association (OTA). “In a time when the severity of the… Read more »

Organic the Real Natural: Jackie Keller

Organic The Real Natural Sponsored by OFARM (Organic Farmers’ Agency for Relationship Marketing) What’s the best way to prevent water pollution from farm chemicals? Jackie Keller, an organic farmer in Kansas, says the answer is simple: “Don’t use them in the first place!” Her water quality award shows organic farming is the way to go.

Use of GM Cotton Linked to Rise in Aphid Numbers

SciDevNet By Richa Malhotra In an unexpected trade-off, the cultivation of cotton that has been genetically engineered to reduce caterpillar damage by producing its own insecticide has been linked to higher numbers of another pest — aphids. Previous studies had linked the increase in aphids to reduced insecticide use by farmers cultivating Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis)… Read more »

Studies Link Range of Major Diseases to Pesticides, New Database Launched

Beyond Pesticides WASHINGTON — Links to pesticide exposure are being found in a growing number of studies that evaluate the causes of preventable diseases — including asthma, autism and learning disabilities, birth defects and reproductive dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and several types of cancer. A new database tracks published epidemiologic and real world… Read more »

Another Reason to Go Organic: California’s Kale Has Illegal Pesticides

Yahoo! News by TakePart Source: DotPolka Wandering among rows of freshly spritzed produce at the grocery store, you’d hardly stop to consider whether the green paddles of Mexican cactus—known as nopales—contain enough toxic pesticides to make you sick. But according to a recent inspection report for California’s Department of Pesticide Regulations, you would be justified… Read more »

The Cultivator – Fall 2022

The Fall 2022 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is off the press. Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else, the Cultivator is mailed to supporters as a benefit of their gift. For a look at what supporters receive, view on your browser or download the PDF here. Highlights of this issue include: Where Did the Grain… Read more »

Natural Cancer Prevention Summit May 16 – 23

There are 14 million new cancer cases diagnosed globally per year, but there is good news…only 5-­10% of these cases are attributed to hereditary genetics. The other causes? Environmental toxins, poor nutrition and other stressors are incredibly toxic influences on your health! Join The Natural Cancer Prevention Summit, online and free from May 16-­23, 2016!… Read more »

Farmers Talk Genetically Modified Crops

Michael Hart, a conventional livestock family farmer, has been farming in Cornwall for nearly thirty years and has actively campaigned on behalf of family farmers for over fifteen years, travelling extensively in Europe, India, Canada and the USA. In this short documentary he investigates the reality of farming genetically modified crops in the USA ten… Read more »

5 Food Policy Lessons the U.S. Could Learn from Latin America

CivilEats by Andy Bellatti Source: John When it comes to nutrition and public health, the U.S. can learn a lot from Latin America. Over the past year, Mexico, Brazil, and several other countries in South and Central America have passed some very progressive policies, often placing public health interests above those of the food industry…. Read more »

Showdown at the Organic Corral

Dueling Corporate Interests Wait to See What the New Trump/Perdue Administration Will Do with the Pending Updates to Organic Animal Welfare Standards  Industry watchdog releases detailed analysis of pending rule One of the pending regulations released in the final days of the Obama administration, and put on hold by the Trump White House, was an… Read more »