Search Results for: GMO

UAVs Awaiting Take-off in US Agriculture

Farmers Guardian by John Wilkes Source: David Rodriguez Martin Like their counterparts in Europe, farmers in the United States see potential for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in their businesses. However, a ban on the use of drones for commercial purposes is preventing any further development of the technology in agriculture from, quite… Read more »

Everything You Need To Know About Nanopesticides

Modern Farmer by Virginia Gewin Stacey Harper has never been a farmer. In wooded Alsea, Oregon, Harper is more likely to be found hunting elk than sowing seeds. Rather, it’s Harper’s work in the laboratory that links her to the soil. A scientist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Harper is doggedly researching tiny, human-made… Read more »

Kids and …

The New York Times By Mark Bittman 1. Lunch Credit: Beau Wade Allow me this generalization: Healthy food initiatives threaten profits and are therefore fought or deflected or co-opted at all costs by the producers of hyperprocessed food. This is true even when those costs include producing an increasingly sick population — and a disproportionate… Read more »

Farm Bill Reflects Shifting American Menu and a Senator’s Persistent Tilling

The New York Times by Jennifer Steinhauer WASHINGTON — The farm bill signed by President Obama last month was at first glance the usual boon for soybean growers, catfish farmers and their ilk. But closer examination reveals that the nation’s agriculture policy is increasingly more whole grain than white bread. Within the bill is a significant shift in the… Read more »

Restaurant Week Tour Uncovers What Goes on Behind ‘Farm to Fork’ Claims – Michigan By Todd Chance GRAND RAPIDS, MI – What does “farm to fork” mean? What does it look like? With so many restaurants claiming to use local products to encourage the sustainability of our economy and planet, this phrase has been getting tossed around more than a Caesar salad lately. So, I decided… Read more »

State-Of-The-Art Farming

Great Valley Site Embraces Organics, Technology The Post-Journal (Jamestown, NY) By Remington Whitcomb Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos Last time you were in the grocery store, chances are you saw at least a few items on the shelf that were labeled organic, or at least had the word organic somewhere on the packaging. Chances are,… Read more »

Stearns County: Minnesota’s organic farming capital

MinnPost By Cristeta Boarini and Kyle Richard Sando Jim Degiovanni has been a lawyer for more than 20 years. Spending most of his days in an office, Degiovanni saw myriad cases come across his desk — from local-government law to real-estate and banking transactions. But for someone who loves hunting deer and taking canoe trips… Read more »

Inside Polyface Farm, Mecca of Sustainable Agriculture

The Atlantic By Andrea Gabor Two weeks ago, I joined about 1,700 farmers, foodies, and families from across the U.S. for a pilgrimage to Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm, home of his iconic model of local, sustainable agriculture. Salatin, the high priest of “grass-farming,” as he defines his work, hosts a field day every three years… Read more »

Corn Stocks Plunging to 1974 Low as China Adds Brazil-Sized Crop to Demand

Bloomberg By Whitney McFerron and Jeff Wilson Even a fifth consecutive year of record global corn harvests will fail to meet demand for food, fuel and livestock feed, reducing world stockpiles to the lowest in two generations. Consumption will rise 3 percent in the next marketing year, a 16th consecutive annual gain that saw demand… Read more »

Scrambled Eggs: Report Spotlights “Systemic” Abuses in Organic Egg Production

Family Farmers Face Unfair Competition from “Organic” Factory Farms CORNUCOPIA, WI — An independent report has been released that focuses on widespread abuses in organic egg production, primarily by large industrial agribusinesses. The study profiles the exemplary management practices employed by many family-scale organic farmers engaged in egg production, while spotlighting abuses at so-called factory… Read more »