This Little Farm Went to the (New Moon) Market

A trip to New Moon Natural Foods in Lake Tahoe, California yields some of the best produce in a 200-mile radius. It’s also a small act of resistance. New Moon’s two locations stock their shelves with certified organic produce, exclusively. They refuse to carry Driscoll’s or other industrial organic brands. Instead, they prioritize the “teeny,… Read more »

Nourishing Community 

Chris Dilley

Building capacity for change at Kalamazoo People’s Food Co-op  An iconic mural in downtown Kalamazoo paints the picture of community: food, farming, music, intergenerational work and play. The artist was commissioned to create a scene that would proudly display the vision and values of the People’s Food Co-op (PFC), housed behind that brick and mortar canvas… Read more »

The Co-op Safety Net


Values-based solutions in a time of need   [This article was previously published in the spring issue of the Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter.] “Concern for community” is one of the seven guiding principles of cooperatives. It’s also at the core of the responses and solutions offered by co-ops throughout the country as they keep their owners and… Read more »